The Black Saint is My StalkerCh96 - That was it?

Edited by dreamandwonder

The haze receded and the world sharpened. Or so he thought. Han Li blinked but there was something still messing with his perception. The night was cold and the sky dark, but Han Li’s third eye should have seen through everything. Or at least most things. ZMHdTE

“Is the spell down?”

“Yup.” Valtteri tilted his head, his expression curious and not quite matching the chaotic scene that was unfolding around them. “What’s wrong?”

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“Uh, it’s nothing.” Han Li just shrugged and decided to ignore it for now. From what he could tell, there was interference coming from all around the city, something that messed with his vision. Without the witch spell that surrounded the church, Han Li’s third eye perception was already faring much better. He could make do with this.

Luckily, Valtteri wasn’t one that cared for lack of explanation and willingly backed away when Han Li didn’t say anything. He took the opportunity to peer through the giant hole in the stained glass window. The fight continued to unfold below. The three-man team was doing well, even without Valtteri’s support, although the scout did reposition himself to fire more bolts. The mid-tiered demons only numbered seven, but Han Li wasn’t particularly interested in those. fUsh x

He snapped his gaze toward his target of interest.

There she stood at the ruined altar, still standing in her lady-like posture, completely undeterred. Perhaps Han Li might have found it disconcerting only moments ago, but now with his third eye bearing down on her, he could see right through her.

Or rather, he could see right through the illusion that stood there.

With a hiss Han Li pulled back, immediately turning his gaze to the twinkling skyline that surrounded them.


Valtteri noticed the vanguard’s sudden jolt and looked up from his scope, curious. “What’s…up? Did you see something?” Compared to their earlier interactions, Valtteri had a lot more energy, eagerly blinking and watching Han Li’s every movement. The half-demon was busy staring out into the city; three dark eyes scanning each and every concrete tower and blip of light on the horizon.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Tfjt, atf Jglwrbc Qlamt lrc’a tfgf. Ktja atlcu rajcvlcu lc atf mtegmt? Ktja’r pera j vjwc liierlbc,” Ljc Ol delmxis yiegafv bea. Lf kjr rajgalcu ab ufa j tfjvjmtf, ktlmt qeiifv tlr ojmf lcab j uglwjmf. Ktf klcv kjr rajgalcu ab qlmx eq, rijqqlcu ragjcvr bo tjlg bnfg tlr rluta.

A heavy layer of perception distortion was present city-wide. The miasma levels seemed completely even across the board, barely fluctuating no matter where Han Li looked. But if distortion was present, then they had to be a source to that distortion.

“W-What? Are you serious?” Valtteri’s grey eyes darted from Han Li, to the hole in the window and back to Han Li. “Wow…I would have…never guessed. Huh. Guess this hit is…useless after all…” the scout muttered to himself as he scratched the back of his head. Despite the complicated expression on his face, he otherwise did not seem too concerned, as though he had just come across some interesting fact on the Internet. kro6tR

Han Li ignored his lackadaisical teammate and continued to look about. It was then he noticed the slightest shift in the distance. The city-wide perception spell left everything with an even mist of miasma but it was no doubt a spell that was large and overwhelming, requiring a surmountable power in order to execute. It wasn’t perfect. And Han Li noticed the tiny dot of imperfection with his third eye.

“There,” he pointed, “I have a good feeling there’s something up in that direction.”

“Hm…?” Valtteri didn’t seem that interested at first, unleashing another arrow down into the chaos that unfolded inside the church. “Where?” He took his time to raise his head, but that was a mistake, because the moment he saw where Han Li was pointed, Valtteri immediately jumped to his feet. “Wait, what? You can’t be serious.”

Han Li frowned, alarmed at the startled reaction. But the more he looked, his certainty only grew. If he just squinted he could see the slight festering and growth of miasma within that particular location; just huddled below the foot of a boring tall skyscraper. “Yeah, there’s demonic activity there alright. I’m sure of it.” 97xWgl

“We gotta go,” Valtteri said hurriedly, swinging his crossbow over his shoulder, and pulled at Han Li’s sleeve. He did not even bother to speak into the radio or explain why they had to make haste; especially not when there were still mid-tier demons their team was still dealing with.

“Huh?” It was Han Li’s turn to be confused, resisting the pull on his arm, “We’re just going to leave them?” He gestured to their team that fought below. The sounds of battle echoed and raged. But Valtteri stood his ground, his expression severe.

The scout sighed deeply. “Okay, then we’ll just…notify them.”

Just notify the others that they were going to desert!? That would do terrible things to their credit! But Han Li frowned and gazed at the distant horizon. There was an itch in his skin, as though the location was nothing more than an open invitation waiting for his arrival. Han Li licked his lips, without realizing that he forgot to respond. mTRrIN

A second later and Valtteri was already speaking into the radio, “Our demon kid Han Li spotted something interesting at the Edelstein Pillar so we’re going to check it out. Over.”

Almost immediately chaos erupted through the communication line, but Valtteri looked up as though he had suddenly gone deaf. “Alright let’s get going.”

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That was it? Was it really alright to go? J6IPSK

Han Li made a constipated face. Even if Valtteri ignored it and was already headed off the rooftop, Han Li couldn’t exactly pretend he wasn’t getting a headache from all the noise coming into his earpiece.

“Y-You’re going?” Leonie’s voice broke with confusion.

“The fuck? You seriously think you can just bloody piss off, is that it?” Trevor spat a long slew of insults and complaints.

But Oscar was both alarmed and frustrated, “Do not leave, you damn cunts. Not before you explain. What was that about the Edelstein Pillar? What do you know?” NyxAfP

“…” Yeah, Han Li didn’t even want to intercept the mess that Valtteri caused with his impromptu announcement. So he awkwardly followed Valtteri off the roof, climbing down the ropes that were set there earlier. The streets were eerily empty with the block sectioned off.

Han Li cleared his throat and asked while dogging Valtteri’s steps, “Is that really the Edelstein Pillar?”

The Edelstein Pillar was a bit of a big deal, and likely the only reason why Valtteri cared in the first place. “Yeah…” Valtteri grumbled as he unlocked the front seat of one of the Association black cars they used to get there. “If the Pillar goes down…I really don’t want to imagine that kind of mess…”

Han Li nodded in understanding. Any hunter knew the importance of the Edelstein Barrier. In the past, higher beings traveled between the realms with ease and were able to wreak havoc whenever displeased. When humanity finally banded together and stood up to their tyranny, a long and devastating war unfolded. The Sunless War etched a mark on human history and gave birth to the renowned international Hunter’s Association. 6joE24

“Don’t you dare leave, Valtteri, you cunt. Listen to me and wait, dammit! You can’t just be telling me that there’s something going on at the damned Pillar and be off like that?” Oscar’s voice grew increasingly shrill, causing sharp static in their ears. Han Li grimaced as he climbed into the passenger seat, tempted to just turn the radio off if they were going to be running away anyway.

The car engine revved up, and Valtteri was quick to start reversing out of parking, “I’m leaving, I’m leaving… You just have to catch up later…” Valtteri muttered into the radio as he hit the gas. Han Li jolted as the car went from zero to one hundred and he was suddenly getting PTSD from Graham’s psychotic driving.

“Han Li…saw through the perception distortion with his third eye. The witch in the church is…an illusion. So there’s something…for sure… I’m driving now so don’t bother me…” And with that, he tore the earpiece and tossed it aside. Han Li grimaced because he still had his in and he could hear the myriad of swears and insults being thrown on the other side.

“Valtteri Hop— Hopeha—um, please think this over!” Leonie struggled with Valtteri’s last name while the others talked over her. aE6Gzc

“Fucking hell!” Oscar cursed, “Don’t fucking slack we gotta rid of these bastards and be out of there.”

“Shut your face, you tit-sucking twat,” Trevor spat back with vigor, “You really going to believe a fucking demi? Pretty Boy just said he has a fucking third eye, didn’t he? Bloody bollocks that brat might be in on it with the demons for all we know.”

Han Li only felt his headache increase. With a scowl, he copied Valtteri and plucked the earpiece out of his ear.

Much better. AMQNKH

Valtteri: …when something…is annoying…ignore it.

Han Li: *takes notes*

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Author: my vacation is coming to an end…what to do, what to doooo T.T


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  1. The noob puppy abd a witch puppy are the only competent persons on the team.


  2. Ah yes, out of ear out of mind. 😌

    Gurl, 1.5k chapters is nothing 😏 Imma read this until the end. You got me way too invested. 😌

    Yeeaah, my vacation is about to end too. Schools gonna happen for me… again. Which sucks. 😩

  3. Valtteri is probably the only smart one there. The Captain needs to be more assertive and the other two need to stop being such huge twats.

    Thanks for the chapter! <3

  4. If only Valtteri’s statement could be replicated in real life, eh. And his behaviour is the best illustration how useless Leonie’s leadership really is. She really should go back to being a sentinel, she isn’t suited to be a leader (that is if she survives, he he). And this church was a diversion while the main attack is on the pilar, oooooh I hope they’ll make it in time. No one (exept Aoighinn and Andraste) wants war right now.

    So… I guess Graham’s big gang entrance will be there, I hope.

    Thank you for the chapter!

    • …sometimes I pretend like it holds true in real life when it really shouldn’t….LOL.
      Yeah that woman is uh…she’s very useless as a leader T_T I’ve had to deal with people like her in real life and it’s just such a struggllleeeee.

      EHEHEHE o w o an entrance huh? We will seeeeee

  5. Valtteri Is a mood lmaoo just ignore whatever you find annoying. C-can i do it with homework?? No??

    Thank you for the chapter!!! ❤️❤️