The Submissive EmperorCh28 - Family Assets


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Translator's Note

Gu ye is how you would address your sister-in-law’s husband in ancient times. The Pingjiang Hou furen is Lou Jing’s mother’s sister-in-law, so she she addresses Lou Jing’s father (Lou Jianyu) as Gu ye.

Translator's Note

An exclamatory sound in Chinese. Sort of akin to ‘oh dear’.

Translator's Note

The Minister of the Left is the Shangshu in this novel.

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  1. Scum father & emperor! One got what he deserved and the latter’s destruction is yet to come. Aren’t emperors trained very well before taking the throne? I read that in several novels yet why the hell is this emperor so stupid! He believed a taoist priest instead of analysing the problem himself ? That taoist is definitely working for Shen Lian.

  2. What a cunning fox !!! Crown Prince hit a jackpot by having him as his husba– oops — wife ~ hehehe

  3. Omg I really love how LJ do his revenge to his father and I cant wait for him to reveal the pregnancy.. How I wish we get more chapter soon🙈

  4. LJ’s side is so fun to read and the emperor… you just became the emperor bc you were the last option left not bc the heaven or whatever wanted you. He’s just bringing this land down :3

    Yes, I agree. Uncle Xu is a character to like. The aunt too, fierce but not unreasonable. I’m glad that LJ has support from his mother’s side.

    Thx for the ch (ㅅ˘ㅂ˘)

  5. This emperor believes whatever his officials say without a second thought tsk. I feel sorry for XCJ for having a father that believes others more than he believes his son. :c even the scammer was given the title of an oracle wtf bruh.

  6. Situation at An Guogong’s resident is so satisfying in this chapter, while back at the palace I just want to burn the current Emperor alive.