Strategy To Attack The SystemCh11 - Peach blossoms are on the way_ 10

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Qiao Yu was sensitive to Zhou Chuan’s behavior during the class reunion, so she secretly sent someone to follow Zhou Chuan and found out that he was trying to find Jiang Fu. She used her father’s influence to track him and then sneaked inside the church in disguise. Qiao Yu had never been so impulsive, she didn’t even understand what pushed her.

Her brain was buzzing, her arm numb from the recoil of the gun. The jealousy that had previously burned her eyes red quickly faded when she saw the large amount of blood spreading across Jiang Fu’s chest, leaving only deep fear and remorse. KPlpuv

She suddenly screamed and threw away her gun in a shocking manner, her whole body trembled, and she tripped over the corner of the table. She had lost all her strength and collapsed on the floor, crying out loud.

“It’s all….it’s all your fault… If it wasn’t for you, why wouldn’t Zhou Chuan look at me? …I love him, I love him…”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Yu Hui entered the room to see such a scene, his entire body trembled in anger and fear. He grabbed the crying lady on the floor by her neck.

The pain of suffocation brought helpless terror to her face, her eyes filled with tears, and her whole body struggled with difficulty and weakness. After a moment, her faint breaths disappeared into the air, and her whole body dropped to the floor as silently as a quiet rag doll. 4lbCZE

Yu Hui let go of his hand and he didn’t dare to look back, standing with head down, stiff as a statue.

A faint voice, that could fade away at any moment, called to him softly.

“Hui Hui.”

He was shaken, he fiercely rushed towards Jiang Fu, trying in vain to cover his bleeding wounds, but not daring to apply a lot of pressure for fear of causing more pain, stammering in terror.


“Chéng, are you…. are you in pain? I’ll take you to the hospital….”

He bent down to hug Jiang Fu, carefully treating him like a fragile treasure. When he saw the blood, his footsteps stumbled, and his face turned pale. He could no longer bear the pain, he knelt down in the thick pool of blood.

The pale-faced Jiang Fu barely curled his lips, his flesh tugging at the blurred wounds that ached with every breath, his organs seemingly mixed up in the thick blood flowing out.

He was slightly dizzy, but touched Yu Hui’s head precisely and soothed gently. Qw0jvL

“No need, Hui Hui.”

It seemed like a fitting opportunity to leave this world.

Yu Hui didn’t dare to hug him hard. His hands on Jiang Fu’s body couldn’t stop trembling, desolate murmurs spilled out of his mouth, and he let out a mournful cry.

“No, Chéng won’t die. I don’t want Chéng to die.” W9UTyF

Jiang Fu didn’t know if the world was following Yu Hui’s will, but he gradually felt the wound stop bleeding, and even the unbearable pain was slowly fading away.

Startled, he looked down to see his fingertips slowly becoming transparent.

 Eh, it really was time to leave.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Qlat j yibbv-rbjxfv tjcv, tf mjgfrrfv Te Lel’r mtffx, qeaalcu jii tlr offilcur lcab atja lcalwjaf ufraegf. Aljcu Me’r rboa rwlif kjr jr mifjg jr fnfg. 9SIvF5

“Lel Lel, ibbx ja wf.”

There was hot liquid dripping down on his hand, diluting the intense red blood. Yu Hui was crying!!

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Ktf tjcvrbwf, ajii wjc ibbxfv ilxf jii tlr tjgv ybcfr tjv yffc gfwbnfv. Lf yeglfv tlr tfjv lc Aljcu Me’r rtbeivfg ilxf j ibra mtliv, mieamtlcu tlr tjcv lc j agjcmf-ilxf uglq jr lo mieamtlcu ja atf ijra ragjk bo tlr ilof.

His eyes were red and he begged in a small, expectant voice, wetting his entire face with the tears that continued to seep from his eyes. bguXjP

“Chéng, don’t leave me, okay?”

Jiang Fu quietly watched him for a moment. Even though the suit on his body had been stained red with blood, his smile was still clean, and his slightly dimples were sweet, with no haze.

“Hui Hui, if I’m gone, will you still remember me?”

Yu Hui suddenly paused, his moist eyes were filled with dark cold and deep fear for a moment. He tightly clasped Jiang Fu’s shoulders, the back of his slender hand tensed, and from his mouth extruded paranoid tyrannical words. IbdXEz

“You’re not allowed to leave! I’m not letting you go! Chéng, you’re mine, forever!”

Yu Hui’s words were full of possessiveness even while he was dying. Jiang Fu sighed. Reaching out to wipe his wet cheeks, he whispered to Yu Hui.

“Actually… I really quite like you.”

Yu Hui’s eyes brightened, and the hostility on his face faded away, leaving joy and undisguised love. zruaoN

He hesitated for a few seconds and carefully kissed Jiang Fu’s bloodless lips, piously pledging a vow made with his soul.

“Chéng, I love you.”

Jiang Fu slightly widened his eyes, looking appalled.

With the end of Yin Hui’s voice, all the surrounding scenery collapsed like an illusion inch by inch, replaced by the floating green code in the pitch-black space, line by line, flowing fast. Ttqdu0

In the entire endless space, they were the only living things.

【DING! Subject’s emotional functions have been activated, 0%, 0.3%, 0.7%, 1.6%…】

The cold mechanical voice stopped when it finally reached 10%, and after a second’s pause, it continued with an emotionless tone.

【Ding! Five minutes, 59 seconds left for the volunteer to leave the first spirit world…】 7tRpcQ

The ticking countdown sounded in his ears all at once, and Jiang Fu suddenly laughed.

“Hey, do you have a name?”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

In the meantime, Yu Hui looked at him blankly, as if he hadn’t understood his words.

Jiang Fu gathered his temples and repeated the question patiently. ChBSHj

“Not referring to Yu Hui. I mean… Your real name.”

Yu Hui was just a randomly generated name in the Bioroid’s spirit world. But as the most perfect Bioroid in the interstellar world, he didn’t have a name of his own.

Yu Hui was distracted for a moment, like he was thinking seriously, his dark eyes streaming a ghostly green light, like a machine going through a program to check an archive.

After a moment, he shook his head gently. qtsd7o


There was no proprietary mark, just a string of code like any other Bioroid. The scientists saw him as a half-finished piece of work that would be only truly finished, if it 0successfully developed through experimentation into a new type of Bioroid.

Jiang Fu’s lips curled up slightly, like a wily and proud child, brashly being the first to take the favorite treasure for himself.

He fondled Yu Hui’s jaw and opened his mouth with a seductive smile. MsD oC

“Then, shall I give you a name?”

Yu Hui was startled.

“Name… Name?”

“Well, after receiving the name, you can’t forget me even if you want to.” 6O0upg

Yu Hui’s eyes suddenly burned with fire. He wrapped Jiang Fu up in a hug and kissed him passionately, not hesitating to deliver all of his ownership to him personally, looking both attached and happy.

“Okay, Chéng name me.”

Jiang Fu couldn’t help but smile softly, like he was teasing a large, clingy, adorable dog. He rubbed his head while pursing his lips in thought.

After a long while, his laughter deepened and he spoke softly. 0omtcY

Yuan, that is, the beginning. And you are the hope of the new generation of Bioroids, so naturally you are called the leader.”

After thinking about it, he had a thoughtful look on his face and a nostalgic pause before he said.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Actually, the word ‘Fu’ in my name comes from an ancient Earth word – ‘Long Wei Fu Chen’. The ‘Chen‘ is connected to ‘Fu’, which also means the meeting of the sun and the moon. You and I have never met before, not even belonging to the same species, so this encounter is as incredible as the meeting of sun and the moon.”

“Yuan Chen.” OVLbDq

Jiang Fu curled his eyebrows quite satisfactorily, and even his voice drenched in pleasure was much softer.

“You’ll be called Yuan Chen from now on, okay?”

 Yuan Chen. Yuan Chen.

To have a name specially belonging to him made his indifferent heart shake, fierce agitated emotions haphazardly erupted, hitting every trace of blood and bone with dizzying heat. 98kFKu

Yu Hui murmured the new and special words in a most precious whisper, as if every time he pronounced them, the strange name would fill his empty heart with Jiang Fu’s own hands, stitching up Jiang Fu’s good smell, happy eyes and sweet smile, and grow deep into his own flesh and blood.

“Yuan Chen, I’ll be called Yuan Chen from now on.”

He rubbed his nose against the tip of Jiang Fu’s nose, their intertwined breaths hot and strong, his eyes reflected the love and desire in his bones, and in a moment of paranoia, he said.

“Then, Cheng will be all mine from now on.” PqQAxm

Jiang Fu glanced at the body that was being transformed into data, smiling at the promise in the little time left.

“As long as you’re my Yuan Chen, then I’ll always be your Chéng, just your Chéng alone.”

Yu Hui’s pupils shrank, not even breathing to disturb the words of this dream.

He held Jiang Fu tightly, eager to kiss the lips of his beloved, the words of seriousness and joy were just like a whistling storm between the gaps, never to be dispersed in the starry sky. nEdNPO

“Chéng, my Chéng.”

Jiang Fu looked at his startled gaze due to holding in his breath, lightly knocked his head and smiled.

“See you next time, Yuan Chen… En, Yuan Yuan?”

Yu Hui stared at him steadily, finally showing a small smile as well, his tone lovingly gentle. Nzskej

“Okay, see you next time.”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

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  1. Lmaooo Jiang Fu really ended up getting attached huh xD And ML got a name!!! :0 (wonder what the next arc is going to be tho 👀)

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  2. They’re so cute with the exception of his super strong sense of possession. At the same time, what can we expect of someone who is just forming their arsenal of feelings?

    Thanks for the chapter <3