Soul Shard CaptorCh5 - Blackie, you’ve changed!

The all-consuming white slowly faded out to reveal pure white futuristic-looking skyscrapers, wide and clean walkways decorated with well-groomed greenery, and a cloudless sky the most beautiful shade of baby blue.

Yet this idyllic and beautiful image was ruined by blazing red flames, nearly blinding in their intensity. gNkGB8

Noah was surrounded by a terrified, screaming crowd. People were tripping over each other trying to run away, some were ducking behind whatever they could find, unfortunate ones nearly got trampled to death while crawling on the white stone floor. Yet they weren’t the unluckiest of the bunch, for there were quite a number of people rolling on the ground screeching in agony, desperately trying to put out the flames burning away their flesh.

However, instead of running away from whatever was causing the fire like the rest of the crowd, the original owner of Noah’s current body ran towards the source.

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Noah felt an onset of a headache “(◞‸ლ) Gee, I sure wonder how the unfortunate bloke died…”

“Starting the information transfer” was Blackie’s answer. c7WVew

Before Noah could point out he was being sarcastic, the entire world turned utterly still as if someone had pressed the pause button. Yet before he could even start to appreciate the magnificent phenomena, a massive torrent of information drilled into his brain.

The world he had transmigrated into was technologically advanced, only a step short of achieving interplanetary travel. There were no more wars or world hunger, and the planet had slowly recovered from pollution after its residents transitioned to the usage of renewable energy sources and biodegradable material.

The world had no countries, only several large city-states headed by their respective city lords. Some city lords were chosen by their people, some were selected by the council of politicians, and some city lords weren’t representatives but the actual landlords of their cities.

Yet, what stood out about this world the most was none of that.


What was so special about this futuristic world was that every person in it was born with mental power of varying strengths, ranked from F to SS. As a person grew and their personality became more defined, this mental power would change shape to form a special power closely related to the person’s most prominent personality traits.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktfrf qbkfgr kfgf nfgs erfoei jcv ater yfmjwf jc lcafugji qjga bo rbmlfas. Ktbrf ktb tjv erfoei qbkfgr tjv tlutfg-qjslcu pbyr jcv ifv wbgf qgbrqfgber ilnfr. Ktbrf ktb vlvc’a tjnf atja iemx tjv ab qea lc fzagj foobga ab mbwqfaf klat atf qbkfg erfgr jcv jmtlfnf atf rjwf ilnlcu rajcvjgvr.

It wasn’t discrimination; it was just supply and demand. A doctor whose power could regenerate flesh and bones was naturally more valuable than a doctor who could only use chemically based medicine to heal ailments. Powers were considered a part of one’s talents and abilities. It wasn’t anyone’s fault if some were blessed with talent, and others were not; it was merely fate.

Luckily, the person whose body Noah now occupied was one of those blessed people with a strong and useful power. Not only was his mental power of very rare SS rank, but even his identity was so prestigious it couldn’t possibly be any more prestigious. tJfhTl

Noah had become Cordia Aris, the youngest child and the only son of the city lord of the beautiful Concordia city.

And that city lord position… was passed down in their house of Cordia for countless generations.

If put in simplified yet pretty-much-equivalent terms: Noah had become the crown prince of a monarchy.

So how did such a precious little prince end up burned into a crisp at the tender age of 18? HQ1k6O

Was he murdered by greedy relatives eyeing his position? Offed by political rivals of his father? Died in a kidnapping gone wrong?

No, of course not. His death, unfortunate as it was, was also a complete fucking accident. ○| ̄|_

You see, although this little prince was born with a golden spoon in his mouth, his family actually happened to be virtuous rulers beloved by their people. (Shocking! I know!) And Aris, like a talented and noble young man that he was, didn’t just spend his days lazing about in a lounge chair while his servants fed him grapes.

No, this little prince actually had a proper job, and he was even the cream of the crop at it. maEpI9

Aris was an extremely rare Soother.

Soothers were the only power users that could influence the mental power of others. And that influence could produce a wide variety of different effects, from calming people down and helping them stay clear-headed, to easing their pain and discomfort, to helping them focus or sleep.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

In short, a Soother was an existence whose presence everyone in the world would benefit from in some way. Thus, naturally, Aris had been very busy. From attending peace talks and important political meetings, to calming down frightened wild animals, to assisting peacekeepers in settling confrontations with criminals peacefully, to helping ease the pain of those in need, to helping heal depression and various mental disorders.

As the only SS-ranked Soother in the city of Concordia, his schedule was full from top to bottom. MhO3Uu

It took a lot of effort for Aris to clear his schedule for the following days in preparation for his sister’s upcoming wedding. Yet, just as he finished the last of his work and was finally free to start his leave, on his way to pick up his elder sister, he stumbled into this chaotic situation that ended up taking his life.

What a tragedy!

It couldn’t be before he cleared his schedule nor after he was done with his break, noooo, it just had to be right as he was about to enjoy his hard-earned time-out! (╯°Д°)╯︵ ┻━┻

And that’s not even half the misery! Just how unlucky is it to be born with everything, yet lose it all before you could take any advantage of it? D47v8

The poor soul had barely come of age! Let’s not even mention him inheriting the position of the city lord, he had never even had a girlfriend!

It was like downloading a super awesome game hailed as the masterpiece of the century, spending a lot of time reading the manual and passing the tutorial, and then when you are finally about to start playing the actual game, a window pops up saying, “Your trial has expired. If you wish to continue playing the game you have to buy the full version.”

‎()ノ ┻━┻

Noah lit a candle in his heart for this unfortunate teen whose departed soul had now gone to a… probably-not-better place. Noah seriously doubted Aris would be able to get such a perfect dice roll in the next life as he did in this one. XCrTOS

Ah, if only you weren’t such a responsible little prince with a strong sense of duty towards your people! You could have just turned back and walked away! Why did you have to get involved in this mess, Aris?? Don’t you know that nice guys die first?!

Noah let out a heavy, sorrowful sigh, lamenting the sad fate of the original Aris.

Oh, well! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ What’s done is done.

I’ll be sure to live a happy and fulfilling life in your place, bro! 👍👍👍 Your noble sacrifice won’t be in vain! Rest in peace! I shall take good care of your family and your city! (/≧▽≦)/ 4jmX6i

Blackie: “How long do you intend to keep talking to yourself?” (눈_눈)

Noah: “Depends. How long can you keep the time of this world frozen?” 🤔

Blackie: (ꐦ ◠‿◠) “If you don’t start coming up with a plan on how to survive this, I’ll unfreeze it right now and watch as you go up in flames.”

Noah: “Blackie, you’ve changed! You were so much nicer when you were trying to scam me into becoming your host!” ಢ_ಢ 9MwmWx

Blackie: “Of course I was. Would you have bought it otherwise?” ┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌

Noah: QAQ

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  1. I mean, if you have the power of monologue wouldn’t also use it every time?[thank you for the chapter ❤️🧡💛💚💜]

  2. But Blackie, won’t you be in trouble if your host go up in flames? He’s the only one with the perfect soul after all 🤣

  3. Yes. Trial versions are such a tease. You get so powered up only to halt at the middle of the game. *flips table

    Cordia Aris. Whew. Ohwell, let’s see how Noah turns this around.

  4. “It was like downloading a super awesome game hailed as the masterpiece
    of the century, spending a lot of time reading the manual and passing
    the tutorial, and then …. ‘Your trial has expired. If you
    wish to continue playing the game you have to buy the full version.'”

    The number of times this happened to me🤦

  5. It’s ridiculous how much I’m loving this when I just started it like 15 mins ago and it’s so funny😂😂😂😂😂 Truly, thank u to the author for making me laugh and bringing a smile on my face during this tough and perilous time💜💜💜💜💜

  6. “I’ll be sure to live a happy and fulfilling life in your place, bro! 👍👍👍 Your noble sacrifice won’t be in vain! Rest in peace! I shall take good care of your family and your city! (/≧▽≦)/ ”

    Aris: spitting blood Fuck you! If only I realize this motherfucker’s scam from beginning, I will not give my hard-earn holiday to anyone! Why am I so stupid and realize it late?! Why?! wailing

  7. Just not my cup of tea with all these silliness, op ness, and dumb mistakes for these “smart characters”. Not much brain need to be in here. Might come back in future to check chapters again and see if I will change my mind, otherwise, keep up with the work ig, many people like it.

    • ” Just not my cup of tea with all these silliness…”

      That’s alright, we all have our own tastes. Especially when it comes to humor. Some people enjoy black humor, some think it’s too dark or vulgar. It’s the same thing here. Some people might find it cute and funny, others might find it too childish or silly.

      “…op ness”

      Op-ness? What Op-ness? Can you explain?

      “…dumb mistakes for these “smart characters”.”

      What dumb mistakes from what smart characters?

      P.S. Don’t misunderstand, I am not trying to pick a fight or being passive-aggressive. I’m just trying to understand your critic for the purpose of self-improvement.