Soul Shard CaptorCh159 - How could you be so insensitive?

It was this thoughtfulness and sincerity of Aris that had attracted him in the first place. And then, like layers of an onion, the more he peeled, the more he liked what he saw within. The kindness and purity, the selfless dedication, the gentle tolerance. The other had everything, yet he never lost himself to temptation, always working hard to become the best version of himself.

“I see,” Case swallowed down the acid that rose up his throat and smiled a bitter smile, “You are right… You are always right…. Then, I’m hanging up…” And with that, the call was disconnected. prNf09

Noah blinked and tilted his head in confusion, “That… that’s a no… right?” ( •᷄⌓•᷅ )

Blackie, “Yep, I’m pretty sure that’s a no.” ╮(╯▽╰)╭

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Noah fell silent, mulling over what to do next. True, he was worried about the best man matter, but actually, he was more worried about Case’s current state of mind. He didn’t look good – as pale as a sheet and looking like he might cough a mouthful of blood at any moment. Though Noah saw it all, he couldn’t even ask whether Case was ok because the question would be superfluous – he clearly wasn’t ok!

Yet what could Noah possibly do to make him feel better? He couldn’t respond to Case’s feelings, and he couldn’t even assume a position of a best friend to comfort him. twHRM2

What Case needed right now was not anything Noah could give him. Case needed time away from him to slowly heal. Any care Noah sent his way right now would not help soothe Case’s broken heart but would only give him false hope and keep ripping the wound open again and again.

If Noah wished to continue being good friends with Case, he would need to wait for Case’s injuries to scab over and for Case to come to terms with his rejection. Only then could Noah help soothe the remaining pain.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Sigh~ This mess wasn’t created by him, yet it fell onto Noah’s head to clean it up. This dummy Aris! How could he have left Case’s feelings fermenting for so long without taking measures to handle them before they went out of control?!

After searching his head for a solution to his current woes, Noah finally came up with an idea. He sent several messages to Case’s other good brothers, telling them that Case was in a slump and asking them to take special care of him in the following days, making sure he was ok. Noah also added a few personal suggestions, such as telling them how they could help cheer Case up a bit while still giving him some space to himself. After the essay was done, he concluded it with a considerate ‘P.S. Don’t tell Case it was me that told you guys to do this. In fact, don’t mention me in front of Case at all!’


Ycis atfc mbeiv tf qea tlr kbggs ab gfra obg atf alwf yflcu.

Dea cbk atja tf kjr cb ibcufg bmmeqlfv klat tlr kbggs obg Jjrf, Rbjt jygeqais gfwfwyfgfv ktfgf tf kjr jcv ktja Crajg Ofnl, atlr ylu ugffvs atlcu, kjr meggfcais vblcu ab tlw! Rba bcis kjr Ofnl rcfjxlis vgbqqlcu xlrrfr bc abq bo Rbjt’r tjlg klat atf gjaf bo ja ifjra bcf qfg wlceaf, yea tlr cjeutas qjkr kfgf fnfc cbc-rabq ragbxlcu tfgf jcv atfgf jr lo ragbxlcu j oeg bo j xlaafc!

He was simply a rogue taking liberties with a fair maiden–uh… a fair gentleman!!! (ノ꒪Д꒪)ノ︵ ┻━┻

This soon-to-be-husband of his wasn’t just acting intimate for the sake of practice or in order to fool Case! He definitely liked to cuddle! Taking Noah for a soft fluffy animal, he could play with as he pleased!! SaUDP5

This stroked kitten puffed up his fur in outrage and turned around to shoot Levi a reproachful look that spoke, ‘Not only are you acting like a rogue, you even… even…! Ah, look at what you did!! The talk was going smoothly until you showed up!’

Levi blinked down at his adorable baby very innocently, as if to say, ‘What did I do? I was perfectly obedient, just like I said I would be! Didn’t speak, didn’t even eat all the tofu I could have! Baby, don’t wrong me~’

Noah held his own forehead, “Wasn’t it you who told me that Case had feelings for me? If you knew that, then why did you come in to act lovey-dovey in front of him?! How could you be so insensitive?”

Levi’s shoulders slumped, and he meekly accepted the scolding, even adding, “Baby, you are right, I was a bit over the top…” cDFqug

Then, after confirming that his darling was done with the admonishment, Levi guiltily explained himself lest his baby disliked him for being mean towards his friends, “I just… just heard him trying to dissuade you from marrying me, and I was worried you’d change your mind so… I got a bit…” Levi peeked underneath his long lashes at his baby, and encouraged by what he saw, he admitted, “…a bit… mad… and protective… and jealous…”

Hearing Levi’s remorseful yet still-remarkably-pitiful-sounding tone, Noah’s dissatisfaction was swept away, replaced by amusement. Wasn’t this future husband of his a bit too cute? Noah’s soft insides were viciously tickled, and his eyes curved. “What are you? A little kid worried someone else would snatch his favorite toy away? Hmm?”

“You are not a toy, and I am a man, not a kid,” Levi tried to refute, yet instead of refuting, his moping pout made him look exactly the image of the said kid.

Finally, Noah couldn’t help but laugh, the musical sound of which cut through the remaining gloom like a hot knife through butter. “You say I’m not a toy, yet who is it that keeps teasing me for entertainment? Mn? Who is it that keeps playing with me for his own amusement? ” Noah poked Levi in between the ribs playfully. rTMJyd

For a moment, Levi was tongue-tied, but he recovered quickly. He caught his baby’s naughty paw that kept provoking him and solemnly declared, “That’s different.” Then his eyes squinted, and he nudged Noah’s cheek with his nose, “Who made you so fun to tease?”

“Oh, so it’s my fault, is it?” Noah pushed Levi’s face away, pretending to be mad, but his acting was halfhearted, and even the blind could tell that he was kidding.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Although he clearly heard the humor in his baby’s tone, Levi immediately switched his tune, “Absolutely not! My baby has no faults! It’s all my fault. Who made me unable to resist your charms!”

Noah could hold it in no longer, and he bent over, clutching his stomach in laughter. Look at this big man, acting like a meek and docile henpecked husband! How can his skin be so thick?? Who was he trying to fool with this comical performance? cxLEbX

Though Noah was laughing very merrily, his attention was still on the big bad thing he was sitting on top of, so he immediately slapped away its naughty paws when they sneaked over to his stomach, trying to tickle him as revenge for being laughed at.

In retaliation, Noah gently pinched Levi’s waist and then wiggled out of his embrace. The other didn’t make things difficult for Noah this time and voluntarily released him. After all, they couldn’t continue sitting here in the toilet stall forever.


Noah and Levi had just gotten out of the stall when Fynn’s call came in. While the two were dealing with Maery, Fynn was naturally handling the aftermath of the earlier terrorist attack and questioning the captured Swiftrain. 0fEaC5

Remembering their failed operation, the sweet and happy high created by Levi’s and Noah’s playful bantering sobered up once again.

With hearts filled with complex emotions, the duo headed over to Fynn’s base of operations, hoping that Fynn had good news for them or had, at least, managed to dig up new leads to follow.

Author Note

I just wanted to let you guys know that Case will have a happy ending. The future him is definitely enjoying tormenting his ‘wife’ very much every day and is happy with his life. So don’t be too sad.╰(*°▽°*)╯There will be an extra about him in the published version of the novel. Heh, his ‘wife’ will definitely shock you guys. (≖‿≖) 31GdTS

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  1. I get the feeling his wife is that snotty spoiled brat from the resort scene feels the most unexpected as he thinks himself a tough guy and case plays around in high society where ud find him bragging