The Stand-in Refuses to Become a RegularCh35 - Steal people.


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  1. Yes, true. I was also having an internal struggle between annoyance and the hilarity of Xing Yun being jealous of his Bai Qianyi getting along with Yongshuang. This chapter was a circus

    • The only one on never annoyed of is xue yingshuang. The cutie just wants to learn n make money to support himself. The other 2 are a mess. Bqy confuses me. At least we kno xy linked xys but is in denial.

  2. Oh my Gosh, just start dating the three of you and you’ll be happy🙄

    These are all misunderstandings….😮‍💨

  3. We have a dog fight here, I see

    Thank You for the new chapter ♡⁠(⁠˃͈⁠ ⁠દ⁠ ⁠˂͈⁠ ⁠༶⁠ ⁠)

  4. I thought once Bai Qianyi started teaching english it’d mean he’d learned some humility and would be a more bearable character but somehow he’s become even worse.

  5. »Teacher Xun, do you think I wrote it right?« Teacher Xing

    »Oh? I bought a new textbook.« You bought (I think? Bc BQY is talking to XY there. But maybe I’m wrong xD)

    I just get a severe case of second-hand embarrassment from at least two of them x’D

    Thx for the ch ٩( >ヮ<)۶

  6. not annoying one bit 😂😂😂😂 i thought the entire chapter was hilarious. couldnt stop myself from doing an ugly cackle the whole way through

  7. I’m sorry i guess my brainwave is different, cuz i found this chapter hilarious? 🤣🤣🤣 Like I understand Tc. Bai feelings, when u teach a lovely student like our mc who won’t like it? Besides, Tc. Xing and Tc. Bai is friend since high school? I bet from the start tc. Xing feelings to tc. Bai has nvr been like what he said. And we can see here them both are actually almost the same type of ppl lmao, i mean the way they like having someone so nice to them. And tbh i don’t see any kind of ‘feeling’ from Bai to our mc, so i found this funnier haha

  8. the only one annoying me in this chapter is XY actually, bc neither BQY nor XYS are really hiding anything? XYS just wants to study and earn money, BQY just wants to be a pampered baby (which, mood…) but XY wants to act like he’s in a relationship with BQY without communicating anything or trying to dissolve, or at least RENEGOTIATE their stand-in contract? I get that he is oblivious of feelings and is stuck in the mold of “XYS likes me i must please him bc i pity him” but even so idk why he thinks his actions are at all treating someone well. If XYS ACTUALLY was pining for him, XYS would be so heartsick by now lol