Superstar, No Big Deal?!Ch36 - BL Movies

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After the premiere, the entire crew attended the celebration party hosted at the hotel, with some famous directors, producers, screenwriters, and some powerful news media present.

Shan Yatong was somehow dragged into a car by Xiao Qishen. He looked at Xiao Qishen to his left, and Lin Yuxin to his right. He leaned back and closed his eyes to rest. Bj6uMn

Outside, rain was falling, hitting the window and making pitter-patter sounds. It felt even more quiet and peaceful inside the car.

Shan Yatong listened to the rain outside the window. His phone suddenly rang, which was particularly piercing inside the quiet car.

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Opening his eyes, he took his phone out. The caller ID showed it was Luo Yanqian. He paused for a moment, before pressing the answer button.

“Hello, it’s Shan Yatong.” Do7mpd

Luo Yanqian leaned against his sofa, watching the broadcast of Lincheng’s premiere on TV. Listening to Shan Yatong speaking in an unfamiliar tone as if he was a stranger, he blanked out momentarily. “Your performance was wonderful. Congratulations.”

“Thank you,” said Shan Yatong in a very flat tone. “There will be a reception soon. I’ll hang up first. Wishing you a smooth filming.”

Closing his phone, Shan Yatong slipped it back in his pocket. He closed his eyes again, and continued to relax.

Lin Yuxin touched the earrings under her ears, realising who the caller was. She didn’t look at Xiao Qishen, and simply watched the streetlights pass by through the car window. Tonight, she wasn’t in the mood to watch the show.


The rain was getting heavier and heavier. By the time they reached the hotel gates, it had already become a downpour. Shan Yatong watched Lin Yuxin give a frustrated sigh as she prepared to get out of the car. Pulling his coat off, he draped it over her shoulders. “You’ll get cold as soon as you step out of the car with an off-the-shoulder evening dress. Not only is it a heavy downpour, even if there are staff waiting outside the car with an umbrella, your evening dress will still get wet.”

Somewhat surprised, Lin Yuxin smiled, and did not refuse. “Once we get inside, I’ll return it to you.” With that said, she lifted up the hem of her skirt and stepped out of the car.

Xiao Qishen’s gaze swept over the young man in his white shirt. Huh. He didn’t expect this kid to be so chivalrous.

God could guarantee, Shan Yatong was taking care of Lin Yuxin out of habit. Jing Anjue didn’t dislike this leftover habit from his previous life, where he took care of this younger sister, so he kept it. Now it was just a habit. SCOv8x

As soon as Xiao Qishen got out of the car, a hotel staff immediately held out an umbrella over him. Even so, rain still managed to get on his shoulders and pant legs. He looked at Shan Yatong, who was covered by umbrellas, and strode over towards the entrance.

After getting inside the hotel, Lin Yuxin shook the water off the white suit-coat. Smiling, she handed it back to Shan Yatong. “Thank you to the considerate Yatong.”

Shan Yatong took it back with one hand. There was no sign of his harmless smile. He put his suit back on, and said, “You’re welcome. It’s Yuxin-jie, after all.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Wljb Hlrtfc uijcmfv ja Vtjc Tjabcu jujlc. Qtfc vlv atfrf akb yfmbwf rb ojwliljg? xanHPY

Vffwlcuis jkjgf bo Swqfgbg Wljb’r fsfr, Olc Tezlc mtjgwlcuis gjlrfv tfg fsfygbkr. Rbk rtf kjr lc atf wbbv ab kjamt atf vgjwj jujlc. Lbivlcu Vtjc Tjabcu’r jgw, Swqgfrr Olc tjv j iba bo wjccfgr. “Tjabcu, ifa’r fcafg abufatfg.”

Xiao Qishen’s eyes twitched. He walked gracefully, following behind the two. Okay then, ignoring that he was gritting his teeth through his smile, everything was perfect.

Not long after arriving at the venue, Lin Yuxin was called by a well-known producer who wanted to discuss a new film contract. Shan Yatong was holding a glass of champagne, sitting on the sofa acting like a good boy.

From a distance, Xiao Qishen saw Shan Yatong sitting alone on the sofa. After thinking about it, he walked towards Shan Yatong. But before he could even take two steps, he was stopped by a producer. From the corner of his eyes, he could see Xia Yushuang, who played the supporting female lead in the movie, sit down beside Shan Yatong. dP7ind

He took his eyes off him, and with a smile on his face, chatted with the producer.

Xia Yushuang smiled, and said, “Can I sit down?”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The woman in front of him looked good, but she was pretty mediocre in this circle. Shan Yatong made an assenting gesture. She sat down with elegance.

Shan Yatong had already seen these kinds of strategies used in the entertainment circle many times. It was often common to see this by women like Xia Yushuang. He dealt with her friendliness, whether it was intentional or not. His champagne glass was already empty. 09QtqA

“Yatong,” Lu Fan walked up to Shan Yatong. “Come with me.”

Shan Yatong nodded. He smiled apologetically to Xia Yushuang beside him. “I’m sorry, please excuse me, Yushuang.”

“Do as you please.” Xia Yushang stood up and nodded to Lu Fan. Who didn’t know Sky Crown’s gold-medal agent? She watched Shan Yatong leave. Even the agent was at such a high level. What kind of background did Shan Yatong have that would make Sky Crown invest so much money on him?

As he followed Lu Fan into a room, he saw an old man in his fifties with glasses, and a woman in her twenties sitting on the sofa. Lu Fan had told Shan Yatong ahead of time who these two were. He went up to them, stretched his hand out, and said, “Mr. Liao, Ms Liao.” we2NfJ

Liao Hai was a well-known producer in the circle, and his daughter, Liao Ran, was a well-known playwright. After shaking hands with them, Shan Yatong sat down on the sofa, and listened to what they had to say.

“Mr. Shan, I won’t talk nonsense. I came here to discuss my daughter’s script with you. Originally, I didn’t like you, but Ran Ran insisted you were suitable for this role, and Lu Fan also said you would be competent, so I didn’t ’t resist. I hope you can play this role well.” Liao Hai’s eyes swept fussily over Shan Yatong’s body, obviously not very satisfied with him.

Shan Yatong smiled at Liao Ran. “Thank you for your trust, Miss Liao. Can you tell me more about the contents of the script?”

Instead of being flattered and impatient to prove that he would perform well, he first wanted to understand the script. Liao Ran was extremely satisfied with what she could see. She took her script out, and handed it to Shan Yatong. “I’ll give you a general summary. Take this home and have a look. I hope you’ll say yes.” 7VdgGo

Shan Yatong read the name of the screenplay. ‘Millennium’. To his surprise, it was the exact same name as the title track of his album.

As if understanding what he was thinking, Liao Ran smiled, and said, “As far as I know, Mr. Shan’s album’s main song is called ‘Millennium’. This film is indeed a supernatural love story. However, it’s not the love between demon and human, but the love between an immortal and a demon. There are many domestic serialized dramas with these themes, but there aren’t many people from the film-industry dabbling in it. I hope we can set a good precedent.”

Shan Yatong opened the script. The protagonists’ names were Qian Chen and Feng Wu. He frowned. The name of the heroine seemed to be masculine.

“I think Mr. Shan will be very suitable for the role of Feng Wu. He is a free and unconstrained thousand-year-old snow fox demon with a beautiful appearance and a free heart. And, Qian Chen is captivated by such a heart. Without meaning to, the heartless god can’t stop himself from falling in love with a fox demon.” dJcmvn

“Miss Liao, there doesn’t seem to be a heroine in this movie.” Shan Yatong said with a smile after closing the script. “Qian Chen is a man, and Feng Wu is also a man.”

“Yes. Immortals can fall in love with monsters, and men can fall in love with men. Isn’t this kind of theme very appealing to the audience?” Liao Ran asked.

“So Miss Liao thinks it’s possible to open up this kind of subject matter in the domestic market?” Shan Yatong tapped his chin. “If you lose this piece of the domestic market, it will be a great loss.”

Liao Hai, who had not spoken for a while, took a look at Shan Yatong. The teenager was not as useless as he appeared. As an actor, he was taking these factors into consideration, and at least had the most basic professionalism. EnbWu5

“We will try our best to fight for the domestic market, but we will not force it. If there is no domestic market, we still have the foreign market. Now I just want to know if Yatong is willing to act in this film.” Liao Ran continued to ask about his purpose.

Lu Fan didn’t expect this to be a BL story. Although there have been gay-themed films before, with relatively good responses, it was ultimately not very mainstream. Yatong was also a newcomer, so it would have an impact on his future career. Before he could help Yatong refuse, he heard Shan Yatong speak.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

“It’s an interesting script. I’ll think about it.” Shan Yatong handed the script to Lu Fan behind him, and smiled. “It’s getting late. I won’t disturb Mr. Liao and Miss Liao any longer.”

“Yatong, do you know who will be playing Qian Chen?” Liao Ran could tell that the agent behind Shan Yatong didn’t approve of Shan Yatong playing in this role, and was ready to throw out a large piece of bait for Shan Yatong’s agent. X3hV8O

“Who is it?” asked Shan Yatong, smiling.

“Xiao Qishen.” Liao Ran said. “Emperor Xiao has agreed to play the role of Qian Chen.” Even though she forgot the word ‘considering’, it’s not exactly a lie… Probably.

Shan Yatong tilted his head to the side. “Oh, is that right.” he smiled faintly. Without any further words, he stood up. He shook both Liao Hai and Liao Ran’s hands, and said goodbye to them.

Once the two people left the room, Lu Fan could see Shan Yatong was no longer smiling. “This script…” If Xiao Qishen were to really play this role, the benefits outweighed the risks for Yatong. gpvcjm

“The script is very well written.” Shan Yatong replied. It seemed like he didn’t hear his meaning between the lines.

Lu Fan said, “If it’s Xiao Qishen, then the script is good for you.”

Shan Yatong stopped, and turned to look at Lu Fan. Before he could speak, footsteps came from behind.

“Yatong,” Xiao Qishen stood at the end of the corridor. The light shone on him. He looked gentle and beautiful. He walked to Shan Yatong, step-by-step, the gentle smile on his face unchanging. “I couldn’t find you just now. I didn’t expect to see you here.” i9gn6G

Shifting his eyes slightly, he saw the script in Lu Fan’s hands. “Is that the ‘Millennium’ script?”

Shan Yatong nodded. He said, “I heard Miss Liao say you promised to play the role of Qian Chen?”

Xiao Qishen didn’t answer. Instead, he asked, “What role will Yatong be playing?”

The corner of Shan Yatong’s mouth curved up. “I’ll be Feng Wu.” u 12n5

The moment his eyes glowed with laughter, Xiao Qishen felt he was very lucky he didn’t directly refuse the role of Qian Chen.

“Then we will have to cooperate well together. I look forward to seeing what Yatong’s fox demon will look like.” Xiao Qishen tenderly brushed Shan Yatong’s bangs. “I’m very lucky to be able to act with Yatong in films like this.” Then he walked away, his footsteps elegant.

Shan Yatong watched Xiao Qishen walk away, smiling. It turned out Liao Ran wasn’t lying. Xiao Qishen really was going to be in this film.

Lu Fan frowned slightly. Wasn’t Xiao Qishen’s action just now a little ambiguous? MDkjc9

After rounding the corner, Xiao Qishen dialed Liao Ran’s phone. “Hello, Miss Liao. It’s Xiao Qishen. I will accept your script.”

Standing in the corner, Liao Ran looked at the two remarkable men walking away from each other. She said, with a smile, “Thank you so much, Emperor Xiao. By the way, Mr. Shan seemed to have some hesitation about this role, I hope you can help him think about it. He is the only person in my mind who can play Feng Wu.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Closing her phone, Liao Ran covered her mouth, smiling excitedly. “It seems like I’m right to create this film.”

Edited by Kyou NwvcVE


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  1. Hmm, well, you sure accepted the role very quickly. But I believe you can play a role loving Yatong really well. BL inside BL. Makes sense. Looking forward to you flirting and falling for Yatong even more.

    Thank you for the chapter!!