Stop Bothering Me, EmperorCh93 - Classmates


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  1. boost that EXP fish tang. make sure no one forget you ahh, everyone can kowtow to you and the empress too…

  2. His dad is dead, just like that, huh? I actually teared up, my heart hurts for him, his siblings, his grandfather, and his mom.

    • I have a feeling that his dad is not dead. Remember when little didi whispered in YT’s ear while insisting to search again? Also YT loves his father in this life so much so he wouldn’t disrespect him with not holding a funeral if he died. I think there’s more to this subplot that we see.

      • Yeah, I also think someone pulling a string behind the accident after didi secretly whispered something. After all, everything is so ‘fishy’ (sorry can’t resist). I think Yu fu and seventh uncle are held captive somewhere.

  3. Lol I knew it Fish Tang was busy reading the forum 🤣🤣🤣

    Thank you for the update ❤

  4. Whew , i can set camp again

    I somehow lost this shit from my bookmark and i just realized it and had to search where i left off

    Thx for the chapter

  5. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry ah…..

    I was so worried about them and how things will change but it’s seems that the emperor is as shameless as ever.

    • After reading the previous comment,wen the atmosphere was somewhat tense in the last paragraphs I was like is tis it is tis it.Then wen it turned out he was reading the forum I was like ****

  6. Why do I have the feeling that the emperor would intentionally show his face to Song Xiao’s classmates whenever he goes to fetch SX from school just to see more CP threads on the forum? Haha

    Thanks for the chap (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

  7. long live the fujoushis! 😂 it must be fun to have many rotten friends around. and the ship is also just at the reach distance of the hand.