Stop Bothering Me, EmperorCh9 - Four Grasses


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Translator's Note

a sound effect, I don’t think there’s an english equivalent

Translator's Note

this was written in English in the raws

Translator's Note

sound of swishing or rustling

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  1. Most times the ‘new rich’ only bought branded stuff (with big obnoxious brand mark) just to show how much money they got, whether its fits for them or not are are their last concern 😔

    Thanks for the chapter ❤

    • ikr… i saw some super expensive brand selling the crappiest and ugliest things i’ve ever seen and people are proud to wear them… Thanks for reading!

      • I just read news of how a Chinese teenager took ‘special/limited sneaker’ business very seriously, like his whole house filled with sneakers!!!

        Here, people are not rly minding abt brand esp for sneaker. So after reading so many chinese novel that wrote special limited expensive sneaker brand as valuemark of popularity and richness, I thought those authors were exaggerating the rich or it’s a trend to write branded sneakers or something. But …it’s a not a lie, huh… It’s some kind of real life phenomenon there.

    • I know these 4G guys are sh*tty people and I JUDGE THEM TOO but I see comments talking about people who buy branded clothes/bags just to flaunt their money. I used to think they’re shallow too but I had this experience where I heard my aunt call someone a ‘nouveau riche’ in a disgusted manner and it took me by surprise. I felt like she was really judgemental and cruel that time. My aunt and her friends deliberately excluded that lady she spoke about in their circle. I only knew this because I overheard my mom talking about it with my other aunt. My mom is not involved because she is a business woman/teacher and she’s got her own thang. I felt so bad for that lady because I was friends with her daughter. We were in the same class and I often hang out with her at their house back in high school. They were really hard working people and I think they could spend their hard earned money however they want. Everyone in their family is very nice and polite. Her mom likes to wear large shiny gold jewelries that don’t really go together and she speaks a little rough sometimes but she makes the best meatballs! I even found out that she is funding very poor schools in the remote places of our town where even a book is shared by 9 kids (I am not kidding). Her mom helped those kids. It’s just that they were new in the circle and they were experiencing new things they’re not able to try before because they lacked money. My family is deeply involved in politics and military and I did not feel any warmth in my own home so I tend to get close to people who are down to earth and fun to be with. I feel like we tend to judge others instantly where we put them in a box, categorize everything, and make ourselves feel very safe or comfortable by thinking we’ve got the advantage if we look down on others but in the end, we don’t really know everyone and we don’t know their stories. I really really hope that whoever reads this will think twice before judging someone based on their appearance or choice of clothes. Be kind and give them a chance. You never know, you might be surprised. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤

      P.s.this is a really long comment. I’m sorry please don’t be mad at me. Feel free to voice out your opinions and constructive criticisms as well because I know not everybody have the same experiences like mine. 🌝

      • I think that’s a great perspective to have, actually. I’m not particularly privy to the going ons of nouveau riche (new money) vs vieux riche (old money) people, but it is ridiculously narrow minded to look down on others for acquiring wealth instead of being born into it. You don’t need to feel apologetic for speaking your mind. You have every right to

  2. No matter how nice the wrapping is, rotten fruits will always be rotten fruits. I sorta imagined those 4fools dressing like Popo from Jolibee but with yellow shoes! hahahaha

    Thanks for the chapter! <3

  3. They are just a bunch of chuunis, how embarrassing it’s gonna be for them when they grow up;;;;

    Thanks for the new chapter!!!

    • omg imagine tho lol

      fake little theatre10 years later 4G: somehow working as modelsSX: pulls out photos of the yellow lumps and kills their careerthanks for reading!

  4. $G??? That 4G?? OMG XDDD

    For a moment I was confused, why Fish said internet fast blablabla LOL I didnt even consider that 4G XD

    I’m curious to know what FIsh did to make Qian Jiahui to cry err…ask like that to the teacher to move dorm XD

  5. The 4 fools are… so… what do you call it too sparkling to the point that I can’t bear to look

  6. The pun though… in Meteor Garden it was F4 aka Flower 4…these were 4 Grass😂

  7. Sounds like the 4G have a major case of chuunibyou, they sound so tacky with all that gold. I’m embarrassed for them and for all those who cheered the, for their tacky style

  8. If there is F4 (flower 4), they have 4G (4 grass)…..hehehe….the name fits them well. Heh… grass.

    Being a mobile data user I am laughing so hard with the author’s joke…… too bad 4G is about to be replaced with 5G

  9. Aish they sound cringe! Emperor, this humble citizen asks of you to bestow hundred years of imprisonment for hurting the kind Empress!

  10. Ugh tacky, who would want to look like a personified chunk of metal or a gold dipped sponge. Gold is nice for accenting but doing the whole outfit is just poor taste.

  11. I agree with you, Baobao. Im horrified with all the golds and yellows on those four. Reminds me of wilted grasses

  12. here comes the “F4” 🤣🤣🤣 ✨

    4G. 4 grasses or 4 golds, i don’t know 😂

    i almost comment about 4G internet connection before i read the mini theater 🤣

    now it’s the time for 5G!!!