Stop Bothering Me, EmperorCh76 - Bail


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Translator's Note

here, i’ll say it. Police officer: It’s just a card, why y’all gotta give me dog food as well

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  1. Lol I thought Xiaoxiao won’t accept the money 😅🤣

    Thanks for the chapter ❤

  2. Song Xiao was smacked in the face out of nowhere. He raised his hand to grab it, and just as he was about to get mad, he realised that it was money, and immediately changed his tune. “Thanking the emperor for the great favour.”

    Empress ah, you aren’t following the script

  3. I don’t think the USA would starve the people they jailed (except for illegal immigrants…. sad state of our country) so what’s this about it already being great that she was fed?

    “Yu Tang immediately put on the face of a creditor.” XD *instant grump face*

    Hahaha YuTang trying to buy XiaoXiao and XiaoXiao suddenly getting hit in the face with money XD

    Asides from my feelings of confusion about the bail system as described(is that really how it works??), the chapter had some hilarious imagery.

    Thank you for the chapter!

    Stay safe and healthy!

  4. I remember in the first chap, SX agreed to be the empress for wage (*and love) 😂😂😂 empress’ wage is higher than a minister’s 😂😂😂

  5. Ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhaaahahhahaha ROTF His Majesty really enjoys this type of role playing ahahahahahahhahaah I burst out laughing while slurpin on hot tea.Ckck teach me not to read while drinking

  6. Haha….. Tang Tang really like to apply all scene that he watched in the drama on his empress…. it so cute~~ 😂 unfortunately, SX is not a person who will ignore money even it throw by his emperor on his face…… 😆 money first…… shameless can be second.

  7. I’m still angry of the racist undertone of this writer. Like the drug dealer just so happen to be black…like really?!!!

    These kinds of negative stereotypes are very harmful. The writer has a majority of chinese readers so she must not care but she is contributing in the spread of these prejudice in a population already fairly prejudice against people from african descent.

    I still like the novel but this college part in the US is the hardest for me to read.

  8. Fun fact, holding facilities are LEGALLY REQUIRED to provide you with food and clean water, and even accommodate your religious preferences… though, mealworm protone isn’t against most religions (fun fact from a Texas felon I knew). And ALL your communications are monitored and CAN be used against you in a court of law. Even if bail is paid, this girl confessed, and even implicated her aunt that the US now has legal grounds to extradite (it would be petty, but within their right).