Stop Bothering Me, EmperorCh72 - Coincidence


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Translator's Note

Probably Yu Tang’s father. Remember that Yu Fu and Yu Lang share the same father

Translator's Note

double meaning. Literally, it means that, even if you fixed a broken mirror, the round edges won’t be as perfect. The figurative meaning is about how a broken marriage/relationship is hard to fix

Translator's Note

吟, also means song

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  1. Haha hahahhaha yes! My sneaking suspicion about the gift was right!

    Thank goodness for the butler, looking out for YuTang even when YuTang isn’t paying attention.

    Love the awkward yet cute swaying — that’s such a funny image

    Thank you for the chapter!

  2. all this yu’s names got me confused to this date i only remember yu tang, yu qi, and that yu lang

  3. I like that Song Xiao is not stupid and weak or easy to bully/conned. He can detect schemes. Perhaps that’s why he was great at managing the “house” in their previous life. An Empress worthy of the Emperor indeed.