Stop Bothering Me, EmperorCh66 - Chance Encounter


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Translator's Note

a reminder that eunuchs are castrated. In this life, Cao Gonggong wasn’t castrated, so he’s technically not a ‘real’ eunuch

Translator's Note

There’s no official English term for this, and it’s directly translated to arrowed sleeves. It’s usually clothing with the wide sleeves wrapped so it won’t hinder the wearer when they’re drawing their bow.

Translator's Note

two hours

Translator's Note

that thing ppl do, greeting each other by touching their cheeks against each other, not an actual cheek kiss

Translator's Note

specifically, his father’s cousin

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  1. Lol that Camellia still trying to get close to Fish Tang

    Thanks for the chapter ❤

  2. So basically Cao Gonggong is similar to Sebastian??

    And wtf is with that bish Camellia trying so hard to get close to our Yu Tang?

  3. I couldn’t stop laughing every time Song Xiao said ‘his family theatrical troupe’ 😂