Stop Bothering Me, EmperorCh65 - Gonggong


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Translator's Note

独守空房 to be specific, a married woman staying at home alone.

Translator's Note

万福金安, a common salutation in ancient times at the imperial palace

Translator's Note

高祖 means great great grandfather, or like, a title given to emperors posthumuously. No direct translation for it, so I decided to use gaozu

Translator's Note

时代的弄潮儿someone who’s at the forefront of the changes of time

Translator's Note

Gonggong also means an old man lol

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  1. Oops sorry gongong. Recognized the wrong person in the previous chapter ~too lazy to flip the page to correct it. Lol. I’m old sigh

  2. I’m as curious as Song Xiao about why they all are reincarnated 🤔

    Thanks for the chapter ❤

  3. I’m a little curious about why Cao Gonggong and Dugu An still want to do their old jobs. I can understand still being loyal, but have they never thought about taking the chance to have their own lives in this lifetime?

    • I’ve wondered this about Dugu An! I guess the loyalty felt towards the Emperor and Empress is on another level. Since they didn’t drink the mengpo soup, their “life purpose” (of serving them) also carried over.

    • It’s about old habits that’s hard to die, just the same as they still can’t fix how they talk. XD

      But speaking seriously, certain servants who swear upon to serve their masters were willing to die due to their loyalty. I don’t think they’ll put down what’s deeply engrave in their bones just because it’s another life time.

      More of easier comparison is some stubborn, closeminded, with old mentality grandpas that would rather die than change opinions.

  4. If there’s in fact an explanation, I feel like the sword SX used to kill the traitor and then himself has something to do with it. Just a thought.

  5. But if everyone in the hall that time was reincarnated, then Xiao An was supposed to know how the empress died as well. Then why didn’t ML as him? Or he didn’t know that his own secret guard was with them at that time?

  6. Ahh I ship I ship! Past life eunuch now with a bird × past life kuudere secret guard.