Stop Bothering Me, EmperorCh64 - Familiar


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Translator's Note

old name for China

Translator's Note

To be specific, he said niangniang.

Translator's Note

Old slave, what an eunuch would call themself

Translator's Note

Translator's Note

stop in Japanese.

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  1. I’m so confused, so what is this annoying eunuch trying to do now! He sounds excited for xiaoxiao, when he was super annoying thousands year ago..

  2. 🤣😂🤣. I never thought the butler would Have been a eunuch! But it does make sense.

  3. Funny thing is castration deals with the apples (or whatever round fruit you choose) rather than the banana.

    • No, Qing Dynasty eunuchs had their entire genitals removed, yes, both the birdy and the eggs removed. I don’t know about the other dynasties. Castration was not just to create eunuchs but was also legal punishment for traitors, for slaves and crimes like rape. There were some wise emperors who banned this form of punishment.

  4. Lmao the Yu family totally considers Butler Cao as the perfect butler insert sebastian but off the record he’s an empress fanboy.

    thanks for the chapter!

  5. Bruh, imagine, you’re waiting in a hotel room alone while your man left you there and is flirting with some woman somewhere. Glad that man ain’t Yu Tang, he said ” if you’re not my little wife then don’t even think of touching me “