Stop Bothering Me, EmperorCh63 - Distant Relatives


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Translator's Note

younger male

Translator's Note

Oh jesus this paragraph… i’m so sorry kjhdsfs

The sentence above was what I wrote in the document for our lovely editor jules ahahahaha, but I decided to keep it in bc, well, it’s easier (or harder, depends on how well your mandarin is) to understand in the raws, cuz in mandarin, they actually have different terms for each maternal and paternal relative

Translator's Note

the word used is 管家. Literally means caring/managing home, it could mean housekeeper, steward, or butler. Any position that’s about managing a house, usually

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raws said middle ages, but uh, i’m pretty sure that’s not the era they meant

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Augh, WHAT?? Yu Tang NO. If my s/o did that, I’d be so mad, even if they had their reasons ==

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I’m STILL mad but well played, Yu Tang…

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the raws doesn’t really explain this well. It’s either based on, or an actual used set.

Translator's Note

大开大合, means his thoughts as he wrote was uninhibited, and, well, kinda described how one writes, calligraphy-wise

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zhu, bamboo, the same character as Song Xiao’s Junzhu

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not literally a thin stick like a bamboo, but like bendable-but-unbreakable bamboo

Translator's Note

 do is the same word as ‘become’ in Chinese

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  1. Wow Butler is also reincarnated I guess he will probably go back with his fish tang majesty to China

    Thank you for this chapter

  2. Is the butler the old steward/head eunuch (am I even using the correct term)??? 0A0 what is this, is everyone who was there in the scene reincarnated with retained memory???

    Thanks for the chapter~ ( ^ ♡ ^ )/

  3. Movie City = Universal Studios?

    Bad Emperor. Dragging your Empress across the country then dumping him at the hotel.

    Thank you

  4. Next reincarnated person. Then Fish Tang will have at least one more person on his side in the U.S.

    But yeah, that was a really bad move of Fish Tang. I bet SX was super excited for that game D:

    Thx for the ch (ㅅ˘ㅂ˘)

  5. He is the “Cao gonggong” that Xiaoxiao asked Yu Tang once before right? When they are talking about searching for those with intact pastlife memories. I conjure he is a eunuch that is like Yu Tang’s shadow before, loyal and all.

  6. Ooh Cao Gonggong.Hmmm isnt it suspicious how every1 is reincarnated?are they raising army against invasion or wat

  7. How did Cao gonggong ended up with Yu Patriarche? And does he have anything related to the other Cao who’s Song Xiao’s roomate ???

  8. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t want his little wife going out by himself because it’s not safe ( I feel like there’s someone in the Yu family who wants to hurt Yu Tang so anyone close to Yu Tang wouldbe targeted, also it’s a foriegn land, I wouldn’t let the little wife go out there too )

    • Little wife 💀 pls he has a name and it’s Song Xiao

      Even if he was concerned for Song Xiao’s safety, Yu Tang could’ve at least communicated beforehand like a mature adult instead of idk, LYING to and manipulating (not to mention using excessive force on) his significant other? The author saying this relationship is not abusive is beyond ironic

  9. Haha I was wary of the butler but then I remembered his name is the same as the gonggong from the start. He’s so happy too see his majesty. I like YT but god his insecurity leads to these actions with SX and it’s not good at all. I hope he changes.