Stop Bothering Me, EmperorCh58 - Lovey Dovey


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Translator's Note

状元 top scholar means first place in the whole of China, so this position is basically nothing

Translator's Note

verified tick

Translator's Note

original quote: Leniency to those who confess, severity to those who resist

Translator's Note

wordplay, its Yu Miao but it means fry, those small fishes

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  1. Thanks for the chapter ❤❤ Can’t wait for the next book (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

  2. Thank you for the chapter! I think I gave up trying to read the other translation of this around this point because it made my brain hurt too much…

  3. I wonder who Bernard Shaw is. His mom’s side already is explained and revealed to have a grandpa traditional calligrapher. And his dad’s side seem like a normal entertainment industry business man.

    And dad is a womanizing slag so is this dad’s ardent pursuer who wants to bend him?