Stop Bothering Me, EmperorCh53 - Becoming An Adult


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Translator's Note

Me when the whole contract thing appeared: lol this roleplaying shit

Me now, seeing yu tang’s intense insecurity and need for assurance: …oof.

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  1. Ah, until you pointed it out, I haven’t quite grasped why the emperor acted like that. I thought he’s just too immersed in his emperor dominance in front of Xiao. But yeah, turns out it’s his insecurity. It was implied several times before, idk how I didn’t catch that XD

  2. Wow that was just so sad. You would doubt how a sincere love and devotion could have so many misunderstandings but here is why.

  3. The part about how painful it was on the wedding night made me tear up a little. Maidservant doesn’t know what she’s talking about (ancient time rules), and nobody obviously instructed the emperor to properly prepare the male companion. After all, he was the first emperor to have one… Poor Junzhu, no wonder he always tries to avoid it 🙁

    Thankfully modern times have enough education on that matter

    • Not to mention that Yu Tang also now likes to bite Song Xiao until he bleeds?? I read the wedding night part and went ‘no wonder he doesn’t want to do the deed with this guy. their first time was literally a traumatic experience’