Stop Bothering Me, EmperorCh48 - Investment


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  1. Is the kidnapping attempt was directed by one of the Yu family members doing or their enemies?? 🤔

    And I love author’s little theater bit 😆

    Thanks for the chapter ❤

  2. So the question is now if the kidnappers were from the Yu family or not.

    And hopefully SZC will handle the money better this time :’D (And no follow up to his 2 sec. phone call? xD)Thx for the ch (ㅅ˘ㅂ˘)

  3. Now that I remember the other translator of “I have amnesia, don’t be noisy” translate Dayu as Big Fish 😂

    I was confused why such a big corporation has a funny name


    Also, love that little theater


  4. I’m pretty sure openly copying homework isn’t really okay in universities. At least it’s not in my country, although I’m sure the rich do it and get away with it anyway.