Stop Bothering Me, EmperorCh34 - Sister-in-law


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Translator's Note

possibly because she was angry

Translator's Note

银两 the word song xiao used here was the ancient version of money

Translator's Note

the soup of forgetfulness, drunk during the afterlife. This soup was mentioned in the 2nd chapter

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  1. I think the TN aren’t working (they’re inside the text)

    [ “ Zhen is also looking for him; it’s really strange without him.” Yu Tang knew what Song Xiao was thinking, and so quietly explained the current situation. He had met a lot of people he knew from his past life, but all of them had drunk the Mengpo soup, the soup of forgetfulness, drunk during the afterlife. This soup was mentioned in the 2nd chapter and didn’t remember their past incarnations. ]

    [ Leaning against the wall outside, Si Dashu grimaced when he heard the noise. The slap was really loud; just hearing it was painful. But he keenly understood what the boss was feeling. It was as if he had bought a peach, and had been told that it was a fresh peach that had just been plucked. Only after eating for quite a while did he realize that there were a good number of dead worms inside it, and he had even eaten half of one, which tasted really… Jesus si dashu that imagery is so gross]

  2. Started reading yesterday and binged chapters. This pair is ADORABLE. wish there was a ‘like’ button that I could smash 😗

  3. Don’t bully your didi he did his best, the little monkey. Why do I feel like the eunuch might be the author of that one book? Who else would know such intimate thoughts that are also faithful to the original figure.

  4. So the vixen women were punished biterly but the piece of sh*t SZC just continue his life like nothing. He is the main responsible of all this craziness.