Stop Bothering Me, EmperorCh29 - Distressed


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Translator's Note

sorry I’m not up to researching, but the flag raising ceremony is something that happens every Monday during school assembly, with the school anthem and nation’s anthem playing while the flag is raised. Usually with a few announcements coming after, like an actual assembly. Idk if this is common outside of Chinese/Asian schools

Translator's Note

y’all, I kid you not, the beginning of a student’s script for a speech/story competition is exactly the same in every language, which I know bc my school has competitions and speeches in three languages. Each damn opening starts with THAT, so I can copy paste that beginning from any script in ANY language, and they ALL mean the same thing.

Translator's Note

if you recall my previous t/n many moons ago, xiao means something like an ancient type of flute

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  1. Same! reading on new year is the best anyway! Happy new year! hope you have a blast year!

    ・゜゚・:.。..。.:*・'(゚▽゚)’・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

  2. I’m spending my new year snug in blanket reading novels & manga!!

    Tysm for the chapter!!😍☺️😍

    Happy new year to you!!🎆🎆

  3. Well, I was with friends, watched Jurassic World 1+2 and watched the dogs lol And now I’m home and can finally read (^艸^) Happy New Year to you too~ :3

  4. Also, chui1 xiao1 is slang for blow job. coughs

    This should be ‘Song Zheng’ instead:

    “Go to high school?” Song Xiao’s eyes gleamed

    Thanks for the update!

  5. (I should remember that the comments here are censored haha)

    This should be ‘Song Zheng’ instead:

    “Go to high school?” Song Xiao’s eyes gleamed

    Thanks for the update!

  6. Thank you so much for the translation! 😍 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

    On another note: Whooo spiderverse! I loved that movie soo much! The animation was just superb! Such a great adaptation of the Spider-verse comics, in my opinion.

    I, on the other hand, was on youtube watching Legally Blonde The musical. highly recommended!

  7. Blowing the flute 吹箫 (chui1 xiao1) is also Chinese slang for a certain sex act.

  8. Ah, that flag ceremony thing is also conducted at school and government institution in Indonesia. Usually it’s done every Monday morning, before school starts or before the morning routine for other.

    I disliked it, I alw got dizzy spell or maybe just light anemia.

  9. 过节儿 1 rituals and formalities 2 grudge; hard feelings 3 detail; trifle -Pleco Chinese Dictionary-

  10. Si. En Cuba izamos la bandera todos los días en la escuela, de lunes a viernes y en los centros de trabajo es generalmente solo los lunes. La ceremonia se llama matutino, y en algunas escuelas con becas también se hace lo mismo por la tarde y se llama vespertino.

  11. Are we all just going to gloss over the fact that the 16 year old 4G group was trying to stare under the skirt of a 13 year old? Yes it is only a 3 year difference, but one is legally aloud to work because they are deemed mature enough while the other isn’t. Their mental maturities are very different. Even if they are both minors. Like a 13 year old and a 10 year old. It’s wrong.