Stop Bothering Me, EmperorCh24 - Visiting the Set


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  1. zhen also wants morning assembly at 6am, and snacks on tap for the empress, and execute 4G…

  2. I feel that renaming the departments like this really is unique and exciting. If I were there I’d be pretty motivated!

    And gosh, ANOTHER mistress? Father Song is quite the man huh

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  3. Father Song is a slag two mistresses and one of them is younger (maybe a bit older than college age considering she’s the dramas female lead) gross man! Scram I want lovey-dovey scenes of my emperor & empress.

  4. Thank you for the translation ~~

    Rant time. The dads a scum man la. I really can’t like him. Cheating on his wife. Bringing his mistress around his child. Engaging in relations with people who work for him, foolish but fine as long as its mutually agreed. But something goes wrong he doesn’t take responsibility and watches their career crumble so long as his standing isn’t too badly shaken (really? He was going to marry her? Couldn’t tell.). Multiple affairs made worse by the fact that he can’t handle his private matters – why are the people you cheat with touching your son! Does he set no boundaries! So messy! Also I don’t like his parenting. Not treating pre-rebirth son with affection (he may have had autism but the description shows he was reclusive and absent minded more than anything, that shouldn’t have deterred him from protecting his child, and if he cared less about reputation he would’ve looked at professional help if it was a problem, he could afford to do it discreetly) -20 points. Prioritising his mistress over his sons wellbeing when he was hospitalised. -50 points. Wanting to coerce his son into supporting his mistress publicly. -70 points. Even if she’s illegitimate, that girl is his child. He should be more responsible. his daughter was ignored in childhood, then clearly spoiled when his wife died… then he was going to denounce her again for the sake of his own reputation (a name is a part of an identity, why give it in the first place if u didn’t want people to know her origin) irrespective of the damage being denied could cause to her welfare . “Sons are better”, what a fool! This girl was described as smart and sounded very ambitious for a child. (I dislike her too actually, if he said this stuff AFTER he found out she was the reason mc was hospitalised I’d understand but the point remains he doesn’t know). If he doesn’t want having illegitimate children ruining his reputation, he should behave better instead of using the children as tools to fix it. -100 points The fact he only regards his son as better because he can bring connections-150 points. For someone who cares so much about reputation, he is is very poor at maintaining it. angry huff That said I’m loving this 🙈 i dislike the dad but I’ll still be happy to see him spoiling mc because im a hypocrite and like soft parents lol

  5. petition to change “president” to “emperor”!

    ah, and he needs an empress too. we already has one sole candidate for the role. the empress’ job including assisting the emperor in “political” matters. reading and writing homework, ahem, memorial for the emperor. also accompany the emperor in his meal and rest.

  6. Song Zicheng you VILE WHORE. What an absolute waste of space. Not even the two mistresses deserve the way he’s treating them, much less his own children and deceased wife.