Stop Bothering Me, EmperorCh115 - Prince


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Translator's Note

female equivalent of laozi

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  1. I love how everyone (except the grandpa and dumb woman) doesn’t expect Fish Tang to like anyone (other than Xiaoxiao) And Yu Lin is SO CUTE!! (Also, I love how Dugu An even knows which book Fish Tang is acting out xD)

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  2. Prince Fish Pond, maybe it’s my glass shoes! showing my long long feet🧦 😂 Yes my feet is so long there’s not much beauty lady shoes that fit 😂😂😂

  3. Modern people here are indeed more sensible (excluding that deluded woman and old grandpa)

    Thanks for the chapters

  4. Dugu An is too awesome

    He knows what script the Emperor is playing instantly

    Wonder whats gonna happen

    That Chen girl thinks too highly of herself

    Put her down a few pegs soon

  5. Points to didi and Anyi again :3

    And that scene where Miaomiao literally ran away from that Cheng girl lololThx for the ch (≧▽≦)/

  6. Intimidating Xiaoxiao with bodyguard that seems to reincarnate due to his extreme grief over his shortcoming in preventing the Empress suicide? 😂

    Didi and his inseparable ice cream had successfully pulled in saozi and Dugu An 😂.

    Xiaoxiao nonchalantly asking which book Tangtang roleplaying this time 😂.

    That little theater killed me 😂.

  7. Dugu An I am definitely head over heels in love with yoouuuu! And Prince Yu better announce it soon!

  8. Little theater kill me lol.

    If someone asked me whether a male shoes is mine of course I will say no. Lolololololol

  9. Ahahhaaa this emperor 😂😂😂 but these women are even more foolish. He had a very public gay relationship with ancient style wedding photos as an announcement, I assure you that he is gay af. That Cheng girl should be happy she’s called jie, she got the better end where at least she won’t be called auntie like the youngest uncle’s cousin. The extra girls were cute and funny addition. 💕

  10. DuGuAn image in my brain : hamster/squirrel/chipmunk.

    Because whenever there is a food scene, he is always busy eating 🤣🤣🤣