Stop Bothering Me, EmperorCh112 - Public


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  1. “I saw the first signs of it in America. Don’t meddle in the children’s affairs anymore.” Xiao Zhengqing’s voice came through from the other end with a smile in it.

    “You shut up!” Song Zicheng roared angrily, before he turned back to continue speaking with Song Xiao in a low tone. “So it’s decided, come home tomorrow.”

    Was I only one ?

  2. OMG OMG are SZC and XZQ really together?! Omg omg I’m freaking out!! (If so, ngl, i believe XZQ deserves better, but as long as he’s happy ig…)

  3. lmaooo, the give me double reminds me of all the parody of the in-laws-to-be trying to be insulting by giving the girl/boy that they see as below-their-stations money, and the girl/boy saying “only this much?” and variations thereofs, XD XD XD

  4. Fish grandpa is really cheap, even the emperor was generous when bribing the empress

    Thanks for the chapters

  5. XiaoXiao: 😤 “So little? Do you know how much how much fish he’ll make in this lifetime?”

    😉 Thank you

  6. Poor didi had to act silly and adorable in a 5-6 years old child when the soul is already decreipt and old hahaha I wonder how Yu Tang will convince the Old Yu.

    And that bit of XZS and SZC hmmm