Stop Bothering Me, EmperorCh111 - Ring


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Translator's Note

a brush dipped in vermillion red ink, to be precise. Used for emperors to sign decrees.

Translator's Note

first page said two shichen, but later imperial father got mad and he continued kneeling, so it can be assumed that he knelt for two more shichen

Translator's Note

waaaay back in chapter 17 

The desert built on white bones, the drizzle of the region south of the Yangtze River is thousands of miles away, there were few chances to return home.

Translator's Note

fish tang= fish pond

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  1. Lol Tang Tang abusing the single dogs every day 😁

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  2. I have so many emotionnnssss

    Thank you for translating! <3

  3. Wuwuwuwuwu im cryin

    Thx for the chapters!!!

  4. I’m just here picturing Dugu An sitting in his corner, silently and expressionlessly clicking away at his laptop, uploading dog food blog posts for his boss….

    • Lol I know it’s so funny jajjajajajjajaja I like DA, he is the best secret guard in the world jajjajahahah

  5. Dog food cake, dog food chicken, dog food soup, dog food desserts… I am a struggling dog

    Thanks for the chapters

  6. I thought that side story would be mentioned cause this was the time when Ml and Mc have met side story characters

  7. When I read the lyrics of ending song based on Zhai Poetry, two drops of tears rolled down. I don’t even understand the phrases but somehow my heart went sour so quickly. But when I saw the next paragraph of Yu Miao crying too, somehow my eyes become much hotter but no tears come down anymore.

    And finally, the wedding photo is posted. Anyi the MVP thumbs up

  8. Internet and fujoshis are not to be messed wit lol.Aarhhh Dugu An has anthr talent;managing online posts 😅😅

  9. me crying remembering chapter one and the scene in the series. sobs bless them for meeting again. thank you for this chapter!