Stop Bothering Me, EmperorCh11 - History


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Translator's Note

what you called eunuch- throwback to the first chapter, the eunuch who gave the imperial edict

Translator's Note

like, in bed

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  1. Agsgshhshshsjsjsj please come clean both of you so we can get to the lovey dovey part of the story faster!!! 🥰🥰

    Thanks for the chapter ❤

  2. These 4G idiots don’t know what’s going to hit them 😂

    MC and ML are starting to tentatively flirt? Niiiiice!

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  3. Smooth Emperor! Smooth!! 🤣🤣

    Please feed me more dog food!! I sincerely welcome it!!! 🥰 🥰

  4. Thank you for the chapter! Song Xiao not remembering how to use the cellphone is so cuteee ~

  5. I tried copying dragon fruit so that I could search it on the web but instead came out gibberish. I think there’s a code for the text so that no one could copy-paste it. yes, I just wanted to say that. I also figured out how to decode it so I’m happy

  6. I still question the girls’ tastes here lol why do they admire the 4G

    thanks for the chapter

  7. It reminded me of the The Weeknd’s song “if I’m gonna die for you” “ if I spill this blood for you” ik random but it fits 😂

  8. Not me scolding him for not working last chapter and now scolding for taking away SX’s work this chapter. He likes working with you, you protective fish! Oh god I want more doting and spoiling!! Come clean you fools!