Stop Bothering Me, EmperorCh108 - Stills


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Translator's Note

damn wtf what are these tears

Translator's Note

this sentence was in english lol

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  1. 🐟 : “Cosplay the wedding scene? Sure. As long as I get a hi-res copy.”

    😉 Thank you

  2. CP powers activate, director! 💪

    Thanks for this ☺

  3. “the light was fixed on Mu Chen’s ass”

    BRUH 💀💀💀 idk why i imagined mu chen leaning over with his bare ass HAKDJSJSH


  4. ”the light was fixed on Mu Chen’s ass”

    BRUH 💀💀💀 idk why i just imagined mu chen leaning over with his bare ass


  5. sniff sniff as someone who sometimes dreamed a weird dream that looked like past lives. this resonates so much sniff sniff Yu Jintang thanking the empress for everything sniff sniff i wished I did not drink meng po soup if reincarnation really exist. well maybe its just really sad. I’m happy for them tho. I’m so in love with this story