Stop Bothering Me, EmperorCh107 - Filming


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  1. I’m a bit disappointed that Fish Tang and Xiaoxiao aren’t going to be acting but in excited to see how much they’ll indirectly expose about their life in their time

    Thanks for the chapters

  2. I really wanted Fish Tang and Xiaoxiao to act this even if it is just one series. But this is fine too ig…

    And Fish Tang must be in cloud nine hearing that xD

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

    • It is okay, they are tired to play the same scripts twice 😂 Fish Pond had wayyyy more interest in role playing other romance scripts lol

  3. Since I have already read the sequel to this novel ‘I have amnesia…’ I know a bit about this tv series production. So it’s not surprising. However I’m very interested in knowing how much SX and YT will reveal about their feelings and actions and behaviour of their past lives. They both died without the other knowing the depth of their love and feeling.

    • now you said it, I feel like rereading ‘I Have Amnesia’ …, afterall Muchen and Qiaosu’s interactions much more detailed there <(•_•)>

    • I also read the sequel and i was dying for their story . And then i found this novel but the translation was awful mtl . The first time i saw that CG translating this novel i was extremely happy .

    • How am I blind to not realize that I have amnesia was a sequel to this!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lord I’m dumb!!!!

  4. Chairman Yu must be really so happy rn. He believe all those years in the past that he only forced the Empress because of the decree. Its like pouring a magical healing potion in his heart. Thank you for this chapter!