Stop Bothering Me, EmperorCh105 - Internet Celebrity


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Translator's Note

the word used was 画风, painting style, but that evidently doesn’t fit the sentence

Translator's Note

sell rot. Since fujoshis are called ‘rotten girls’ in chinese, selling rot means selling BL. Kinda like queerbaiting, I guess.

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  1. Fish tang tries to be overbearing but is so whipped that he always fails😂

    Thank you so much for the chapter!(๑´>᎑<)~💕

  2. Lol Fish Tang using wine glass to drink cola to support his overbearing President image is so cute 😆😆

    Thank you for the double chapter ❤

  3. Wow, this is already finishing huh… And LMAO Fish Tang’s overbearing act really is hilarious! XD

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  4. Aaaaah!!! I just realised that there’s a novel from the same author called Palace Full of Delicacies. Yay for cats!

  5. I really feel that instead of learning how to be a shadow guard, Dugu An learned how to be a good third wheel….look he even learned how to take good pictures!!! It’s probably so he can take good pictures when his bosses go on a date.

  6. Lmao Tangtang would be me wanting to look fancy with that wine glass but contains coke cuz I hate the taste of alcohol hahahahaha