RPGCh50.2 - Paranormal Research Club (III) Part 2

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Heya, itsa me, back with part 2~

Edited by RinRin! hc9ltM

The girls had gone downstairs, leaving only Shan Ziwei to speechlessly face host’s wooden face.

Sure enough, he still had to work with host… qwq

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Compared with the reality that he had to work together with this mass of black history, he’d much rather face the more ghostly second floor alone. Right now, he was simply losing SP by the minute.

Even more depressing was that this chessboard focused on teamwork and relationship roleplay. Therefore, even though a certain hypersexual really wanted to play dead, he still steeled himself to initiate a conversion. eYmloV

“I didn’t get a chance to say this just now,” Shan Ziwei said with a dry laugh, “but what a coincidence that we meet again, hahaha…”

——I truly hoped that I’d never have the fortune to meet you again.

host raised his eyes slightly, and his dark eyes seemed to pierce straight into Shan Ziwei’s inner thoughts. Then he made a motion.

The black-haired young man spread out a hand, and a miniature version of a slightly old desktop-style computer appeared in his palm, complete with a CPU, keyboard, mouse, and monitor. Shan Ziwei stared at host, only to see the display of the mini computer flicker for a moment before displaying a set of symbols: 【0v0】


…… ????????????????????!

Shan Ziwei stared at the small computer in a daze as it waved its miniature mouse at him as though saying hi, before calling out a transparent panel.

host (Card Name: The World)

Attribute: ♥ eQDNgV

Level: 10

A large amount of information passed through Shan Ziwei’s mind. His first thought was not host’s player information, but the identity of the mini-computer: Could this be——

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Zs absybz.” tbra lcagbvemfv oijais, “Par jylilas lr ab jqqblca j qijsfg ab qijs abufatfg.”

Lf ibbxfv ja atf mbwqifafis rtjxfc sbecu wjc klat ktlaf tjlg jcv abiv tlw j nfgs mgefi ageat. b3Jya

“P jqqblcafv sbe.”

Vtjc Ilkfl’r nlrlbc oilmxfgfv. Rb kbcvfg tf xfqa wffalcu tbra. Rb kbcvfg j meaf ifnfi 3 cfkmbwfg ilxf tlw mbeiv yf wlzfv lc klat rb wjcs qbkfgoei rfclbgr. Ktlr jylilas bo tbra’r absybz kjr yjgfis kbgat j mtlmxfc gly jwbcu oglfcvr——qijsfgr ktb’nf jvvfv fjmt batfg jr oglfcvr mbeiv cjaegjiis mtbbrf ab qijs abufatfg——yea lar foofma kjr abb kbcvfgoei ab lwjulcf ktfc erfv bc ragjcufgr, frqfmljiis fcfwlfr…jcv j mfgajlc tsqfgrfzeji kjr iemxs fcbeut ab yf bcf bo atf nlmalwr.

Shan Ziwei was about to vomit blood. It was like you kept encountering your ex on blind dates, and then just as you were ready to admit that your luck was truly shit, your ex tells you that he’s deliberately stalking you——It was fucking horrible. As long as host felt like it, they could be together in every chessboard, meeting again and again, entangled for eternity, until the end of time.

“W-W-W-Why!?!” Shan Ziwei’s inner thought raged in turmoil: Great Hero! Master Inscription Player! Just what kind of grudge do you have against me! Did it deserve going this far to target a newcomer who’d just entered the game like this!!! vJNaAV

A glimmer of light flashed in host’s eyes, his eyes fixed firmly on Shan Ziwei with a steely resolve. 

“You’re very strong.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

A low voice gently knocked on his darkened vision. For a moment, Shan Ziwei felt like he had lost the ability to comprehend language. He nearly stared at the man with his mouth gaping open, utterly unable to understand that sentence at all.

I am…very strong? zt4k1b

“You have awareness.” host didn’t seem to notice the impact his words had on the white-haired youth. He continued at his own pace, “You can keep up with me.”


Shan Ziwei, who was thought of so highly by host, suddenly felt like someone had tipped over all the condiments in the kitchen: sourness, sweetness, bitterness, and spiciness…he had it all. To be honest, a certain hypersexual felt quite moved. Although he could be considered a small internet celebrity in the gaming circles back in the 21st century, in this new era, his expert-born dignity had long been eroded by strange game rules and unlimited game settings. Unexpectedly, the first one to recognize his potential now was host, who had history with him…

“Thank you.” Apart from these two words, Shan Ziwei really didn’t know what to say. Although the other party’s attitude was “I play with you because I have a good opinion of you”, host was qualified to be arrogant. Without taking into account the fact that  his level was capped and that he possessed a card inscription, in just these few meetings, the only player who could make Shan Ziwei feel deeply afraid and powerless was host. rHdMGL

It was like that person wasn’t playing a game, but rather dissecting the game step by step into a to-do list.

In short, it was like he was compiling… a strategy manual.

Such a person was the most frightening enemy, but at the same, the most reassuring ally.

The palms of Shan Ziwei’s hands were slightly sweaty. He looked at host’s beautiful face, and asked in a short, abrupt intonation due to nervousness, “Then, let’s cooperate?” aXIWPM

host didn’t reply. His attitude was overly calm, as if Shan Ziwei had just said something like “The sun rises in the East, and sets in the West”, this type of useless statement——as if their cooperation was as natural as the rising sun, a matter of course.

For some reason, Shan Ziwei could always understand the meaning of host’s silence. He knew that host had silently acquiesced, and so, a certain hypersexual began to worry about another thing.

Ace of ♥ – Adoration(active), Ace of ♣ – Adoration(passive), Ace of ♦ – Monopoly(passive), Ace of ♦ – Betrayal (active)…… Thinking of the relationship scenario cards in his pocket, Shan Ziwei felt like his circulation had been cut. No matter which relationship scenario card it was, he didn’t, absolutely, completely, did not want to take it out at all!! 

In fact, the game had already helped Shan Ziwei remove two of the four options. The current chessboard was in the thread of death by terror. Obviously, the fundamental attribute targeted was Diamonds SP (fear). The two “Adorations” could be removed. All that remained was “Monopoly” and “Betrayal”… M0TQLr

Which did he value more, moral integrity or character, that was the question.

A certain hypersexual mulled in anguish for a long time, finally hesitatingly taking out “Ace of ♦: Monopoly(passive)”, passing it over for host to see.

【Ace of ♦ – Monopolize

Category: Passive Relationship qwO96v

Effect: When they express possessiveness for you, restore 10 percent of your Diamonds SP.

Description: I’m yours, only yours.】

Please visit chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

host nodded to show that he understood. His wordless cooperation made Shan Ziwei let out a breath in relief. Thinking back on it, it really wasn’t a big deal. At host’s level, he should’ve long since been used to seeing these no-bottom-line scenarios, so he wouldn’t have such a hard time accepting the scenario like him. Shan Ziwei waited politely for a while. Seeing that host had made no other action, he couldn’t help asking, “Don’t you need a relationship…——UH, I mean, do you need me to cooperate with anything? “

——Wait, the relationship scenario cards were fundamentally all moral integrity testing cards…wasn’t it for the best if host didn’t need to role play a relationship scenario?  oq1uDe

Shan Ziwei only realized after he’d finished speaking and regretted it, but host seemed to have been prompted by his words. The black-haired young man slightly lowered his feather-like eyelashes. He thought for a moment, then used his slender index fingers to type on the tiny keyboard.


The indicator lights on the mainframe of the small computer flashed, and a scenario card was spit out from the DVD reader slot.

【Ace of ♥ Adoration f PMyd

Type: Active Relationship

Effect: When you show intimacy for them and they show intimacy back, restore 10 percent of your Hearts SP.

Description: Daddy, mommy, kiss me, hug me~

Shan Ziwei︰…… 、……!? kVUXNh

Hearts SP (Joy)? It was really Hearts SP!? Playing a fucking horror chessboard, how the fuck are you bursting with joy???????

A thousand pictures of the smiling black man with question marks filled Shan Ziwei’s thoughts. It was like——just as you were being scared out of your mind by a ghost film, the friend watching beside you was unperturbed, and even wanted to laugh out loud. 

“You… you didn’t take out the wrong one? “

host answered Shan Ziwei with his actions. A blue light flashed in his hand and the ‘Ace of ♥ Adoration’ relationship card was directly applied. mz8kpI

So now, Shan Ziwei was on the path of no return. Recalling the effect of ‘Ace of ♥ Adoration’, a certain hypersexual’s face lost so much color he could replace one of the chessboard’s ghosts.

——Fear not god-like opponents, fear only teammates that don’t play according to common sense! 

Iz: Gotta love host ~

(also for those of you who want to see some fanart of Gaia, here are some links~ X3) Xjfgp6

Gaia: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/15/03/c6/1503c69f5b937c27b280f2904ed7c6fe.jpg 

Gaia with shanzi: https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/627830004282240652/

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

(lemme know if any links are faulty!)


Translator's Note

Tha meme Tha meme 

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  1. Firsstttt!!!~~~~~ wow. First thing this’s happened…… soooo…… ummm…… how long do you guys think it’ll be before host is shown to be Gaia, the “host” to Shanzi’s “G”?

  2. Thank you so much for these translations!! I really like this story, it’s so much fun and your translations are just the perfect mix of localization and preserving original cultural context

  3. Thanks for the chapter!

    Wow, the Fairytale already messed me up badly (might we all need therapy after that?), this one seems take another shelf of cakes with it.

    The host, super clear on SZs thought processes, going like a bull at him. Gotta love that determination!

  4. Omighoossshhhh so cuteeeeee!!!! Aaaahhh the fan arts are so lovely ahhhhhhhhh!!!! ♡(> ਊ <)♡

    ROFL, Host no missing any time to eat Ziwei’s tofu, hahaha so sly~

    Thank you for the Chapter~