RPGCh4 - Welcome to RPG

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The term nymphomania has been changed to hypersexual. I was informed by a kind reader that the term nymphomaniac may not be entirely appropriate. Hypersexuality is a real condition involving extremely frequent or intense libido, often resulting in distress or uncontrollable behaviour in people who experience it. Whether or not it should be considered a disorder and included in clinical diagonsis is a subject of debate. It used to be known as nymphomania for women and satyriasis for men. Hypersexuality does not always manifest itself in the same way for everyone, so be aware that when it is referred to in this novel, it only refers to Shan Ziwei’s form and experiences of it.

With that out of the way, enjoy the chapter! 5EsY0w

Editor: Izrate

[Quantum Terminal now connected, loading data.]

Chrysanthemum Garden.

[As this is your first time connecting to Role Playing, please read and accept the terms and conditions.]

The game’s terms and conditions appeared in front of Shan Ziwei. Compared to other games he had seen, with the terms and conditions crammed with line after line of words, RPG’s terms and conditions only contained one sentence. It was simple to the point of being terrifying: fTHED

[The game, Role Playing, shall not hold responsibility for any incident that may occur to any user within Role Playing, including but not limited to psychological trauma, injuries and death.]

There were no other limitations whatsoever, meaning that anyone in the alliance, no matter who they were, young or old, man or woman, could enter the world of RPG so long as they had the required gaming equipment and accepted that extremely irresponsible condition. Shan Ziwei stared at the word “death”. Though he had never heard of any accidents happening in RPG, this responsibility waiver was rather scary.

Shan Ziwei took a deep breath. He had already come this far; no matter how unreliable this entire thing seemed, he could only move forwards.

“I agree.”


[You have accepted the terms and conditions. Your equipment shall be bound in five seconds – five, four, three, two, one. Equipment bound. You may enter RPG instantly from any location at any time. You may not remain connected for over twelve hours at a time. Game loaded. Preparing connection to nervous system… connection complete.]

The soothing voice of the system rang out beside Shan Ziwei’s ear. His vision went dark and then the world turned bright again.

[Welcome to RPG.]

Shan Ziwei’s eyes widened as he gazed up at the massive clock above him. One moment he was lying down on his bed at home, then in the next, he was sitting on this red throne lined with gold. OMwXU0

It was like transmigrating.

–– So, this is what a fully immersive game was like?

Shan Ziwei raised his hand and touched his cheek.

The softness under his hand, the feeling of his fingertips rubbing against his skin, all of it made Shan Ziwei’s heart bleed. LXjiOt

Do you know how to kill a hypersexual? It was easy, just throw them into a crowd.

Perhaps there wouldn’t be a crowd of humans in a game, but there would be mobs. When a hypersexual was surrounded by mobs…

Shan Ziwei didn’t dare imagine that stunning scene.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

If that was all, then it would be fine. After all, even if he couldn’t fight, he could still flee; throwing attacks while running was a-okay, he could just kite all the way. Yet, the cold, cruel and unreasonable reality dealt him a killing blow: he was a main tank – not only could he not run from mobs, he had to go up to mobs and get them to hit him. yAtVdP

… Lsqfgrfzejir kfgf nfgs ogjulif, qifjrf agfjregf jcv ajxf mjgf bo tlw kfii! dkd

Pc bgvfg ab wjxf regf atf kbgiv qgbafmafv atf mglalmjiis fcvjcufgfv tsqfgrfzejir, Vtjc Ilkfl tjv mbcajmafv Itjb Hlcu yfobgf tf fcafgfv atf ujwf, jrxlcu ktfatfg bg cba tf mbeiv mtjcuf atf afgwr bo atf mbcagjma – obg fzjwqif, ifa tlw yf j gjcufv GUV bg rbwfatlcu – yea kjr mgefiis gfpfmafv. Vtjc Ilkfl, ecjyif ab ufa lcab mbcajma klat Tf Tf, bcis tjv akb qjatr ab mtbbrf ogbw: qjs atf teuf rew cffvfv ab ygfjx atf mbcagjma bg byfvlfcais yf j wjlc ajcx.

Please visit chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Faced with cruel reality, a certain hypersexual erupted amidst silence: wasn’t it just a main tank, wasn’t it just a fully immersive game, so what? He didn’t believe the game company would really let him be a pervert in-game!

Thus, Shan Ziwei gritted his teeth, put on the headphones and entered the game. He had always been like that. The more pressure he faced, the more violently he responded. txmHEf

Basically, since he couldn’t change anything, he might as well charge forwards.

Shan Ziwei got up from the throne and began to examine his surroundings. The room he was in was shaped like a gigantic birdcage, the flooring had a black and white checker pattern that spanned outwards with the throne at the centre. The arched black walls had large windows that extended all the way up from the floor and at the very top was a clock face, the numbers in roman numerals. The entire place held a distinct European fantasy theme to it.

When Shan Ziwei’s gaze landed on the clock, the second hand began to move slowly from its position at the “XII” numeral with a creak of effort.

A sheepskin scroll appeared, suspended in the air in front of Shan Ziwei. K8ScDe


To the most beloved, most esteemed, and cutest you:

There’s just a little bit to go.

Please just wait a little while longer. jpMt8d

To make sure you, my most beloved, aren’t bored before I manage to fulfil your wish, let us play a game.

If you win, I shall give you power.

If you lose, then please stay and keep me company forever and ever.

Do you accept? You do, right? Right? You should! FmdIl1

Hurry and sign your name on the contract – this is a game prepared just for you.]

Just as he finished reading the last word on the invitation, all the words disappeared and were replaced with new content.


Play RPG with ???. Xdci84

Signed: ____________]

Was he supposed to enter his in-game name here?

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Shan Ziwei glanced at the swan feather quill that suddenly appeared in his hand. He reached out to sign the contract as he thought to himself: this game was really immersive. He’d distinctly felt a chill run up his spine as he read that invitation. It honestly felt like he was about to sign a contract to sell his soul to the devil.

Shan Ziwei subconsciously went to write the pseudonym he had always gone by, “Ghost”, but the moment he wrote down that “G” he stopped. SYBkGQ


––Yeah, you know, like a formless soul, a hated monster. I live like a ghost in real life… Hey, I just realized that it suits you as well. How about from now on I call you “Ghost”? I’m a ghost in real life and you’re-

Shan Ziwei’s hand began to tremble and he forced himself to stop that line of though. That was all in the past now. At the very least he lived now, today, two hundred years in the future.

Thus, Shan Ziwei suddenly thought of the nickname Ye Ye gave him, “Shanzi”. It was a name from this era, and proof of his existence in the twenty-third century. Am6X14

He was unable to change the “G” he had already written down, so he added “Shanzi” to the end. “GShanzi” seemed kind of weird, but Shan Ziwei comforted himself by telling himself that at the very least, it was unlikely to be an already taken name.

After he finished signing, the system seemed to pause for a moment, probably checking if Shan Ziwei’s chosen name was allowed or not. After a moment, the contract began to leak blood, leaving behind a single, crimson-painted sentence:

[Your joy, sadness, anger, and fear are all mine.]

The entire sentence seemed to be handwritten, the gentle cruelty of the writer leaked through their writing. After that, the sheepskin scroll rolled itself up, combusting into golden dust that whirled itself into a human form – the virtual appearance he would have in RPG. BUReHI

“I gotta say… if only I was that handsome in reality.” Shan Ziwei looked over his game character, sighing, “Then, even if my hypersexuality acted up, people wouldn’t be too hateful. After all, who doesn’t like a pretty face?”

The game character in front of Shan Ziwei had very similar features to him. Though it was obviously him at first glance, a closer look would say otherwise – in reality, no one’s body or facial features could be so symmetrical, so flawless, like a perfect doll had Shan Ziwei’s defining features added to it. Compared to a real person, it looked more like a perfectly moulded model placed in a mall.

To avoid people mixing up the in-game world and reality, which may result in disastrous consequences, the Alliance set a rule that no games could make characters that looked like real-world people. Thus,even though the current technology was sufficient to recreate reality to the smallest of details, the in-game characters were all semi-realistic models. They were modelled delicately and carefully, with great attention to detail, but were still clearly fake.

The voice of the system popped up once again: [Please edit your in-game character appearance. You are allowed to change the character’s hair, facial features and body shape up to a 40 percent proportional difference.” cXDY6d

The character design interface popped up in front of Shan Ziwei, all the choices and numbers causing his head to spin. Originally, Shan Ziwei was going to skip this step, but if he didn’t change anything he felt that it would be a waste of this opportunity. After all, no matter the game, appearance-changing items were always the most expensive.

–– Old man, you should go and dye your hair white. There’s no point in trying to pretend anymore at your age; an old man like you should acknowledge your own age.

What the dean had said to him when he left the welfare centre suddenly sprang to mind and a strange whim had him hitting the “hair colour” tab, and selecting the white option. Immediately, the pitch black hair of Shan Ziwei’s game character faded into snow white, giving him a rather wise and solemn look.

“Not bad.” Shan Ziwei scrutinized the change for a moment before hitting the confirm button. “I’ll go with that.” 4mgyTl

After character design was complete, the system immediately gave him another setting to adjust.

[Please set your in-game pain experience, the standard is set to 50 percent. This setting will influence your experience gain in-game. You may adjust this setting in your personal space.]

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

A horizontal bar appeared, the circular draggable icon set at the 50 percent mark with an explanation: painful like being on your period, 100 percent experience gain.

… How was he meant to know what being on your period was like?! zVayew

Shan Ziwei could feel black lines descending over his head, anime-style, and he dragged the icon all the way to zero at the left end. The explanation immediately became: what is pain, can I eat it? Zero percent experience gain.

Shan Ziwei forced himself to ignore the first part of each explanation, carefully considering the meaning behind it. No pain means no gain… It made sense, as RPG was a game meant to train one’s Psionics, which was intimately connect to willpower and the brain, the players must be exposed to hardship and plight. Psionics could only grow through stimulation and exercise, thus to increase one’s level, one must experience pain, right?

Shan Ziwei then dragged the icon to the rightmost end: one-hundred percent natural, original flavour pain, no artificial colouring or preservatives, 200 percent experience gain.

… Though the explanation was being weird again, it did point out something very important. If it were 100 percent pain, then that meant if you were stabbed in the game, it would perfectly recreate the pain of being stabbed in real life. That’s why most people went for the standard 50 percent, but… NQn05b

Tears cascaded down a certain hypersexual’s face as he silently dragged the icon to 100 percent pain.

It wasn’t that he was going for the whole “you’re a man, what’s a bit of pain” path, rather, he felt that if he lowered the pain setting, it would mean that when other people attacked him, he would only feel the touch, but not the pain. If he got excited from being beaten up… it sounded even more gentlemanly…

Poor Shan Ziwei comforted himself with the doubled experience gain. Fully immersive games worked by simulating the corresponding nervous system activity in the game character. That meant that everyone only had one unique character belonging to themselves and they couldn’t create multiple characters like you could for a keyboard and mouse game, or have someone level up your character for you. It had already been a month since RPG’s launch, so Shan Ziwei would have to work even harder to catch up to the others in the studio.

After setting his pain level, the set up of the game was complete. An interface appeared in front of Shan Ziwei, displaying his character information: 4KEwb7


Type: Clubs

Level: 1 (0/100)

Pain: 100%] 8G ddX

Shan Ziwei stared at “Clubs”, confused. “What does clubs type mean?”

The system immediately gave a response.

[For details, please experience them through the game first-hand. As it is your first time playing RPG, you shall now begin the tutorial stage. The tutorial stage is exploration and adventure based. Once you beat the stage, you shall receive your very own toybox. We hope you enjoy the game.]

As soon as the system finished speaking, Shan Ziwei saw his game character suddenly move, instantly closing in on him. Shan Ziwei stared as that face, so similar yet so different to his own, approached close enough to kiss. sLQpMk

“… !!!”

Hi guys, just wanted to say thank you all for the support in the comments! I haven’t been replying to them much, sorry about that! I do appreciate them and I hope you continue to enjoy my translations!!! Thanks!

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Next up, Scenario Five: City of Toys (1)


Translator's Note

Mobs refers to the normal monsters/enemies the player has to fight in a game.

Translator's Note

In games, kiting is, as was described, running from a target while throwing ranged attacks at them, sometimes with the intention of luring them to a specific position, other times just to keep dealing damage without being closed in on. Generally used against short-ranged or melee units by long-ranged units.

Translator's Note

Okay, as unprofessional as it is, this part didn’t exist in the original raws, I just added it in because it fit…

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  1. ah ah ah !!!

    so excited ~~~

    who’s the unknown ghost ?

    who’s the possessive one ?

    who is he signing a contract with ?


    I’m still not used to the term hypersexual, but I’ll get used to it !

  2. “City of Toys” Well author, either you mean weaponry of war and bloodshed or you mean weaponry of war and dogfood.

  3. Hit me in the feels… being separated from the people he knew… that ‘ghost’…

    (;д`)ゞ Thanks for the chapter~ ( ^ ♡ ^ )/