Rin the Rat: Tale of a Beloved MonsterCh67 - The Last Errand

CW: Explicit language, mentions of drug use/abuse, violence, misogynistic language, ableist language. 

The next chapter is the last one for this arc! ヽ(´∇`)ノ jHcR7p

The outskirts of Hanjuyang are as sparse and grim as ever, but the stubborn mist of precipitation eases for summer’s last hoorah – a stark blue eye and the glimmer of Solaris peeking out between the thick carpet of black clouds.

It’s a small blessing for the chilled pair as they wait by the Wayward Inn (burst blood vessels turning Crow’s eyes black his purple complexion bordering on black sheer desperation and terror twisting his features), the scrawny mounts restless in the ramshackle stable, tended to by an old man shaking with palsy. He’s barely cogent when Jun tries to make friendly conversation with him, and it takes the naive noble a little too long to realise that the stablemaster resents his presence.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Jun returns to Rin’s side, a glum expression upon his face.

“This place is worse than the Slums,” the raven tries to reassure him. “Slummers might kill you for your shoes, but those in the outskirts will kill you for the fun of it.” 7VcFkH

“Yes…I have come to realise this.” Jun rubs the side of his neck, looking a tad embarrassed. “Do you have much experience with this place?”

Rin glances at the inn, a distant look in his eye. “…Sure,” he murmurs, unaware that his hands have long balled into white knuckled fists.

The little lord frowns, puzzled by his love’s reaction. He reaches out and places a hand on the small of his back, gently drawing Rin to the present. “Are you alright?”

“Korain’s guy is late,” Rin snaps, folding his arms. He glances up at the sky, trying to gauge the placement of the sun. “He said he’d be here before noon.”


“The roads are sure to be treacherous due to the rain. It is unsurprising he would be so delayed.”

“I’m getting married in six hours,” Rin says, curling his upper lip. “I don’t have time to wait for this asshole.”

Jun grimaces at the reminder. “I wonder why the Marquis is so impatient?”

“It’s because of you, moron. Payback for when you showed him up in front of all your blueblood friends.” caLReo

“Would he be so petty?”

“Yes,” Rin says, firmly. “Yes, he would.” He tugs at the ribbon around his neck, wincing as it cuts into his skin. “Godsdamnit, I hate this fucking thing. Never thought I’d ever wear it again.”

“Surely this ceremony is not legally binding.”

“No, but I sure as shit don’t wanna go through it all the same.” Rin narrows his eye at the lord. “Unless you don’t care if I do?” 5Vd ci

“Of course I care,” Jun says, softly. He slips his fingers through that untameable raven mane and cups the back of Rin’s head. “Think I would give you up so easily?”

Roses bloom in the youth’s cheeks and his lashes quiver at the sudden intimacy. He tries to smirk and fails. “…No,” he mumbles, breath skittering. “But it wouldn’t be too bad to see you fight for me.”

“What do you think I am doing now?” Jun smiles and prints a kiss upon those pillowy lips. Primal cravings grip his insides, but he restrains himself. When he draws back, his love’s disappointment is both stark and endearing. “I must commend you for your ability to arrange this meeting. I did not believe I would ever be alone with you.”

Rin licks his tingling lips, feeling as though Solaris were burning a tad too hot. “Korain’s confident. He thinks that my feelings for him never went away; that I’m playing you, not him.” aqro5j

“I have reservations,” Jun says, worry etched deep into his forehead. “The things you have had to do to convince him–”

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Are lies,” Rin interjects, a tad sharply. He gives the uncertain lord a pointed glare. “They aren’t real, Jun. I–” Lips purse in irritation. “I might have thought it was real at one point. But now, it’s nothing more than an act. Whatever I did to convince him, I did as a Rose, not as your…” He waves a hand, unable to bring himself to say the word. “Not as your person.”

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Gfrqlaf tlr mbcmfgc, Aec mjc’a tfiq yea rwlif. “Zs qfgrbc. Tfr, atja sbe jgf.”

Elc mgbrrfr tlr jgwr jcv rajgfr yijcxis ja atf tbgrfr. Ycf bo atfw ybyr tfg tfjv jcv rcbgar. “P xcbk atja atlr lr pera j ujwf ab Bbgjlc, jii bo atlr. Lf vbfrc’a ibnf wf, cba lc atf kjs sbe vb. Bbgjlc’r ibnf lr j gfoifmalbc bo tlwrfio. P’w pera j abbi atja tf erfr ab rbbatf tlr fub. Lf kjcar wf ab qijs lcab tlr vfierlbcr, ecali atfs yfmbwf gfjilas.” FOD 75

“He tests you to gauge your loyalty to his lies, rather than loyalty to the truth of who he is.”

Rin nods, dourly.

“And the battle was a test for his Hounds,” Jun posits.

“Maybe for Crow too.” cko52B

The lord clenches his jaw, utterly disturbed. “If his generousity is a test, the purpose is unclear.” He blinks and glances at Rin. “Surely, his target is not the Slums itself?”

“Nah, I think there’s something else. It doesn’t feel like his usual bullshit.” Rin absently rubs his unblemished cheek. “We’ll find out soon, anyway. If this fucking asshole will hurry up–”

The rest of his words shrivel at the back of his throat when he sees a familiar figure sauntering up the road. Behind is a large wagon covered in a thick tarp, pulled by a raggedy mare.

Fuck,” Rin curses, throwing a wild look at the stunned lord. JHzQWk

Jun’s demeanour gains a frosty edge. “…Indeed.”

“Long time no see, Rat,” Tiger leers, throwing his arm up in greeting. As he draws near, shock and disgust ripples across his face upon seeing Rin’s face. “What the fuck happened to you?”

Rin lightly grasps Jun’s wrist as the latter tenses in anger. “I could ask the same for you, Tiger. Did a horse kick you in the face since we last met?”

Tiger’s jaundiced eyes flicker to Jun and narrow in recognition. “I remember you. You put my boys in the Clinic!” zyAw27

“My actions were justified,” Jun says, coldly.

Tiger tugs on the mare’s reins, bringing the wagon to a stop. He scrubs his grizzled jaw as he regards the two youths. “Sure they were, sure they were. A right hero you were, protecting your little bitch here. Don’t look like it was worth it though seeing as you’re working for that pompous asshole, Marquis. What, did your daddy kick you out for fucking this Slum wh–”

In a blink, the little lord stands but an inch from Tiger. His strong, athletic build towers over the shrivelled man, arctic glare rending him in twain. Jun’s fury is dichotomous, as powerful as a world-ending tempest, yet restrained and refined to a deadly point. The sheer focus of his ire is terrifying, and Tiger unconsciously flinches and backpedals.

“You will refrain from speaking ill of Rin,” the lord enunciates, goldens turned pale and merciless, not unlike his father’s. “Lest you wish for a repeat of our last encounter.” x0J1Nb

Rin swallows hard, mouth suddenly dry as he senses Jun’s oppressive aura. His heart rattles hopelessly. As much as his little lord spouts pacifism, it’s moments like this that convinces Rin otherwise. He finds it both intriguing and irritatingly hypocritical.

“Alright, alright. No need to wave your giant sword around. You’re sufficiently terrifying.” Tiger grouses, hands held up in surrender. “Look, you want the goods or what? I got other deliveries to make today.”

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“Korain said you’d show us to the storehouse,” Rin says, pursing his lips. “Take us there and you can scurry back to whatever swamp you crawled out of.”

“He ain’t said nothing ‘bout showing you shit!” Tiger complains, yanking at the reins angrily. The poor mare is jerked this way and that, helpless to the tantruming man’s whims. “I just deliver the goods. Taecho to Hanjuyang. Hanjuyang to Taecho. I got two more loads before the day is out and–” gLhz4p

Jun tosses the older man his coin purse and says curtly, “The storehouse, Tiger.”

Tiger gapes at the amount in the purse and shoves it deep into his pocket. He flashes Jun a simpering smile. “But of course! Anything for the young master.” He flicks his tongue over his lips and gives a low, mocking bow.

Jun can hardly suppress his disgust. He wordlessly gestures for the man to lead the way.

Rin sighs and follows after, keeping pace with his little lord. “Relax,” he whispers, petting the tense muscles in Jun’s back. The latter’s stoicism doesn’t completely recede, but it falters long enough for an acquiescent smile to peek through. JbL6vo

“So driving wagons is what you’re up to these days?” Rin says brightly, hastening his steps until he’s walking alongside the older man. “Got scared straight after being clobbered by a blueblood?”

Tiger scowls and urges the exhausted mare on with a hard yank of the reins. “Me? Scared straight? Tiger ain’t never goin’ straight.”

“Don’t I know it,” Rin snorts.

“I’m still in the old business, if that’s what you mean. In it ‘til the day I die.” hnZ 9o

“So not long then.”

Tiger shoots an asymmetrical glare at the lad. “That a threat?”

“Hm? Oh, gods no!” Rin laughs, obnoxiously loud. “But now that you mention it, you do owe me, Tiger. You owe me big.” The mirth vanishes from his face.

Tiger blinks at the abrupt change in mood. That red-tinged eye is almost serpentine, red-tinged and darkly predatory. He sniffs and tears his gaze away, determinedly staring at the dirt road ahead. “I-I don’t owe you shit, Rat,” he growls with false bravado. Something different about the youth. He seems…unhinged. It certainly doesn’t help that his once pristine features have become so disfigured. A real pity, that. “If you didn’t strike first, then I wouldn’t have had to teach you a lesson.” u1FA5P

“You touched me, Tiger. And you tried to touch him. I’m not satisfied with how we left it.” Rin snatches the older man’s shoulder in an iron grip. “Whatever happens today, just know that you owe me. Once that debt is paid, you can continue your shitty existence without worrying about me sticking a knife in your back.” He smiles genially and pecks Tiger’s cheek.

The rest of the journey is taken in terse silence, and Rin returns to his little lord’s side in a rather sunny mood.

Tiger leads them down several different roads and paths, some unmarked and others barely distinguishable. They traverse through the Black Forest for a time, before coming upon an industrial area on the riverside. The factories and warehouses are largely abandoned here, only one building in full use. Hard-faced workers and several guards – mercenaries, rather than Silverswords – roam the grounds of this live factory.

But Tiger leads them right past, not even acknowledging the workers. He brings them to an isolated warehouse, right on the edge of the river, far from everything else. The wooden structure is covered in mildew and seems almost rotted through. Surely, a strong gust is all it takes to bring the entire thing down. F43Dmw

The older man pauses at the storage doors, glances around furtively to check their surroundings, and then points to the giant rusted lock. “He give you the key?”

Rin pulls out said key and unlocks the doors. They swing inwards with a terrible groan and a blast of humid, sour air greets them as they step inside. There’s also a strange herbal scent that effuses the gloomy building. It’s alien, a scent that’s both acerbic and natural. Like flowers steeped in lemon juice and stripped of its sweetness.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Tiger hurries about, lighting torches in their grimy sconces that line the walls. The first thing that Rin and Jun notice is how large the interior is. Stacks upon stacks upon stacks of pallets are piled two-storeys high, covering almost every inch of the ground. Everything is carefully wrapped in tarp, keeping the goods dry and safe from the elements.

The youths exchange perturbed looks before turning their attention to the wagon. gC MOq

“Give us a hand, Tiger!” Rin yells, pulling hard on the goods palleted on the back of the wagon. The mare huffs restlessly and paws at the ground. “Fuck this is heavy. Are you sure it’s just medicine in here?”

“The best kinda medicine there is,” Tiger confirms, leaning against the side of the wagon as he picks his teeth. “That’s one week’s supply right there. Everything in here will last you half a year at least.”

“How long has the Marquis been storing this medicine?” Jun raises, easily lifting the pallet into his arms. Rin stumbles back, red-faced and sweaty.

“I’ve been working with him for months,” Tiger says, shrugging. “This stuff’s been sitting here the whole time. Don’t know what it’s for. Don’t really care either, as long as I get paid.” S9OBiM

“I thought you were a human trafficker.” Jun sets down the pallet and gives Tiger a narrow look. “Why would you be in the business of delivering medicine?”

“A man’s gotta expand his enterprise,” Tiger says, spreading out his arms. He gives the lord a knowing grin. “I dabble in everything. That way when one business goes to shit, I got somethin’ else to bring the coin in.”

“A strange choice, though. Medicine.”

“This is a strange world and we gotta adapt to it.” TO1qH0

“What else has Korain got you doing?” Rin asks, pulling Tiger’s attention away from the little lord.

“I don’t think you gotta know that, Rat,” Tiger leans forward, baring his yellowed teeth in a leery grin. “This is men’s business. Not for the likes of you.”

Rin rolls his eyes and aims a sharp kick at the man’s shin. Tiger howls and grabs his leg, hopping on the spot as he releases spittle-wrapped curses.

Jun takes advantage of the sudden chaos to whip out one of Rin’s tanto blades and slice into the tarp. He shoves his hand into the opening, rummages around, and pulls out a handful of what appears to be loose tea leaves. The colour is odd, however. The leaves are a bright yellow in hue and sticky with an acrid substance that stings his fingers… f6DJh9

“Oi! What the fuck do you think you’re doin’?” Tiger recovers quickly and starts towards the little lord, face wrinkling in suspicion. “You ain’t supposed to touch the goods!”

Rin touches the hilt of his second tanto, strapped to his person just under his shirt.

“This is not medicine,” Jun says, holding out the sticky plant in his hand. He pins Tiger to where he stands with a lethal glare. “I recognise this substance. This is odrina flax. Consumption of this plant has been banned in all four territories. Do you know how dangerous this is?”

Catching the distinct yellow colour and coupling that with the odd scent, Rin immediately recognises the drug. “It’s Bliss,” he says, eye widening. He casts a furtive glance at the other pallets. “…It’s all fuckin’ Bliss.” debwSq

Tiger glowers and gives a noncommittal shrug. “It ain’t my business to know what’s in there. I just deliver–”

Not your business?!” Jun snaps, harsh lines of rage cut deep into his face. “The Slums are inundated with this drug, with Bliss, under the guise of charity. If this epidemic is not controlled, people will die in the hundreds!”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“That’s a bit dramatic,” Tiger scoffs, lurching forward to close the sliced up tarp. “And anyway, like I said, it ain’t any of my business. As long as I get paid, it don’t matter what I deliver. Could be delivering a fucking bomb for all I care.”

“This is a bomb, you insufferable fool!” Jun grabs Tiger by the front of his shirt and yanks him off his feet. The lord seethes, the precious few threads of composure coming ever so close to snapping. “Tell me what you know,” he snarls, baring his gritted teeth.  v06lqG

Tiger’s eyes bulge in terror, sallow skin dripping with cold sweat. He grabs Jun’s hands, twisted tight beneath his collar, but he can’t seem to find purchase. “I-if you don’t let me go, I’ll tell him that you’re working against him! And you know what happens if you betray the Marquis! You’re dead! The both of you are fucking–”

The last tether snaps. Tiger’s head snaps to the side as he’s gifted a powerful backhand. He chokes on his words. Pain inundates.

Rin gives a low whistle and scritches the mare between her ears. “Damn, Jun. That looked like it hurt.”

The little lord shakes the stunned man, his patience wearing thin. “I apologise for the aggression,” he clips, “but this is a matter of utmost urgency. If you simply tell me the truth, I will allow you to leave unharmed.” 9X7ZnT

Tiger glares at the lord in pure loathing. If given a chance, he would certainly stab Jun in the gut without hesitation. “…The only thing I know is that the Marquis is working under someone else’s orders,” he mutters, every word gritted out as if it caused him visceral pain to do so.

Jun glances at Rin who looks back at him, similarly surprised. “There is someone above the Marquis?”

“Yeah, you got dirt in your ears or what?” Tiger spits, squirming in the lad’s unrelenting grip.

Who?” Jun gives the man another shake, this time harder. “Who is he working for?” vTkQKl

Tiger bares his teeth, bloodshot eyes glinting. “It’d be someone you know, blueblood. Someone real powerful.”

Who is it, Tiger?

“Who else but the bluest blood in Hanjuyang? Our beloved Governor Hwan Sun!”


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  1. OK WHAT THE F—– i was asking myself if i should be worried about things picking up fast after this arc but it looks like i have my answer already

    goes to buy ingredients for birthday cake

    Thank you for the chapter!! <3