Master Grim Reaper Makes His Debut in Center PositionCh7 - Strongest Networking Connection


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Translator's Note

apparently the author decided tik tok didn’t need to be censored anymore so it’s now douyin again instead of mouyin or x-yin…we’ve given up on deciphering her (numerous) typos let’s just say we’ve translated it according to the original flavor…

Translator's Note

in chinese, the number 4 sounds like si 死 which means death

Translator's Note

this is how it looks. the stage is facing the chairs

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  1. Thank you very much!♡♡♡♡

    and welcome to tofunoodlr/sylvia and chunky •°○°•(^ ~ ^)/•°○°•.

  2. Being the first to sit in the F rank chairs is also exciting!

    Thanks for the chapter! 💕

  3. He thinks hes just here for the watermelon gallery … but little does he know that his fanbase will smack all competitors away and propel him to A++ .. XD

  4. When everyone started guessing he’d choose A rank, I knew he’d choose the lowest instead. The MC always defies expectations after all. Thanks for the chappie! ❤❤

    W e l come to this new bowl of dog food, tofunoodle/sylvia and chunky!!! 👏👏

  5. Hahaha! But F ranked has a better view of the mentors, right? And given that he’s only had a few hours of training, F ranked makes sense. But everyone else’s reactions make me laugh. Thanks for translating!

  6. After watching Youth with you I can picture everything so clearly !

  7. Welcome to the new aliens and thank you for your hard work!! (Kinda late saying this tho lol)

    “Liu Haichao had made preparations for him to debut in center position when sending him to participate in this competition.” -i’m so sorry sweety, it’s just not meant to be~ the center position is our Lu Xu, we know it even from the synopsis~~

    Thank you for the chapter!!💜💜💜

  8. skmsdjdf the familiar sounding ‘4’ part really shocked me lmaoooooo i thought it was because ‘4’ sounds like ‘sure’ not because it sounded like ‘die’ i’m w h e e z in g

  9. If I’m participating in this kind of show I’d choose the best spot to watch the performances so like the F-ranks or D-ranks would be the best seats for me😛

  10. it would be great if novels with a password were somehow marked at the beginning of reading so as not to waste time on them. I have no desire to install discord just to get a password once a week