Master Grim Reaper Makes His Debut in Center PositionCh39 - Obviously a Fake


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Translator's Note

the act of blackmailing, extorting, scamming, anything despicable and underhanded

Translator's Note

a merchant, seller, someone who does business

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  1. Really 🙄

    He’s acting like a thief crying thief

    Obviously no power, acting all smart, only know how to speak nonsense..

    oh yeah, he’s indeed a thief.. a thief who stole someone else’s life 😠

  2. Lmao, both Lu Xu’s company and all the ghost whorshipping him are gonna gang up on this old bastard 😂

  3. Can’t wait for Lu Xu to reap his borrowed life 😤

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  4. “Master” Lai: T hose few ghosts were abnormally ferocious.

    F4: ( ´•ω•˘)? Eeeh, what Master? Let’s give him a little live show… damn fake..

    Thx for the ch (≧▽≦)/

  5. This faker! He is obviously scared that he will be exposed so he is taking it out on our poor LX!

    Thanks for the chapter

  6. I want to see who dies first between the “Master” and Lu Xu

    Thank you for the chapter!! ❤️❤️

  7. Didn’t he say he’s best buddies with the grim reaper, well he’s about to be sent off soon!

    Thanks for the chapter! 💕

  8. that “master” is such a crock. Listen, you’ve racked up your millions and stole a life. Now Lu Xu will handle you. You should have just sat there and ate your food. smh

    thanks for the chapter! <3

  9. This “Master”, seems like all his abillity was fake, huh? ¬ _ ¬

    I really hope MC does something about this life thief. >:(

    Thanks for the chapter!

  10. “ I have to first clarify a point—I have not interacted with this contestant before.” hahahaha he have balls!

    Thanks for the chapter

  11. He has no ability, or just no ghost-sensing/exorcism ability? On top of knowing clearly that he isn’t aging, he seems quite sure Lu Xu is going to die soon, going so far as to lie about meeting him, and Lu Xu was the one to take the weird talisman he initially intended for Ji Xiunian… Imagine trying to life-steal from the reaper, though haha. Can’t wait for him to have that shocking revelation, though I hope it comes with a bit of widespread discrediting first

    Thank you for translating! <3

  12. holy… i finally managed to catch up to the latest chapter and now i cant wait for the next update!!! thanks for the chapter! 😍

  13. How funny, if he wanted popularity that weibo post certainly won’t help him. And of course Lu Xu doesn’t seem like he “has a long life” he isn’t even alive! He’s a grim reaper!! Can’t wait to see this stowaway’s expression when he meets Master Lu Xu for real

  14. Wow. What a bitter old man. First, he steals life from others. Basically murder. Then he tries to strike back at the one who dares to call his act? Lu Xu, please take care of this order first.

  15. F- that Lai is asking for his death!!!!

    I’ll stab u and pierce u over and over again!!!

    F-!!!!!! I’m truly mad!! Who tf are u to say that to my baby??? He’s a Grim reaper!!

    Go die!!!

  16. Oh boy do I want to see his face when Lu ‘won’t live long’ Xu introduces himself with the identity of a grim reaper…

  17. อ่าวไอเหี้ยนี่อยู่ดีไม่ว่าดีอยากโดนตีน?!

    Thanks for the chapter<3