Master Grim Reaper Makes His Debut in Center PositionCh38 - Thousand Li for Sending Someone


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  1. Who cares to say that our Ba Mei is evil??? You can’t deny that he literally brings the Grim Reaper, but he’s just a cat, ok

    I want to see that guy’s face when he discovers Lu Xu~

    Thank you for the chapter!!! ❤️❤️

  2. “But this person was Master Lai. He was a master who had successfully predicted the deaths of two small artists on Weibo before!” Anyone can predict a death they also cause, right? I’m glad he really is a stowaway so Lu Xu can do something about him, though I do hope it won’t cause him any trouble. I’m also interested in how the case files work—if it’s said he’s only 52 years old and alive when he should be 72, does that mean someone whose time has been stolen will have a file that reads as having died before their time? Will they wander as a ghost because the grim reapers don’t know to collect them?

    Thank you for translating! <3

    • For real. Dude probably stole the two peoples’ life spans and used it to gain fame as a fake master 🙄😒

  3. How dare that stowaway said that!?! Ahhh can’t wait for the next chapter!!

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  4. So, cats bring evil spirits? Ba Mei only brings Grim Reapers, though… And it turns out he stole someone else’s life, what an *******.

    I really want to see this ‘master’s’ face after realizing Lu Xu is a real Grim Reaper, bet he’s gonna try to run away.

    And Ba Mei was super cute today aswell!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  5. Yeah, that “Master” Lei fucked up hard. Insulting our grim reaper AND his cat. Stealing other persons lifetime and who knows what. Tsk, tsk, tsk~ your time is over old man :3

    Thx for the ch (ㅅ˘ㅂ˘)

  6. Tsk, he offended Lu Xu and insulted Ba Mei. This Fake Lai sure is capable. Lu Xu, this idiotic pig came at your doorstep what a big order.

    Thanks for the chapter <3

  7. Not only did he insult our Bai Mei and Lu Xu, he also called the adorable F4 evil?!


    Thanks for the chapter! <3

  8. Bullying our Ba Mei hmp 😤 Begone, stowaway. I can’t believe he has the guts to say that to Ba Mei when he’s the one who stole someone else’s lifespan 🙄

    thanks for the chapter~ ❤️

  9. Wait, so it is currently 2020 for them? I might have forgotten that it was mentioned before… what a bad luck year. haha.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  10. I was going to ignore this stowaway cannon fodder, but then he dared slander my family’s precious Ba Mei 😡

    Thanks for the chapter!

  11. Haha I knew something was off with him. This old man messed with the wrong “youngster”

  12. I agree with the translator’s comments. No disparaging Ba Mei in front of me! And Ha! A true stowaway! I’m still a little worried for the F4, but the irony of Master Lai interacting with an actual grim reaper while going on about meeting one and being utterly clueless is hilarious. Thanks for the chapter!

  13. “Oh my god it’s coming it’s coming, is a ghost coming?”

    He Xinghua was momentarily excited and couldn’t help but cry out.

    Tao Yingbao couldn’t bear to watch it and went up to push him. “Please, you’re also a ghost, okay?”

    Ai, right.” Only then did He Xinghua realize that yes, he was also a ghost, so there was nothing to be scared of in the first place.


  14. Have you noticed? The ‘master’ and that ‘genius’ idol, both dislike Ba Mei? Could it be that, this is one of the signs that they’ve taken something from others? Like talent, fortune, and/or life? And clearly, Ji Xiunian isn’t like them, cause he’s fond of Ba Mei and Ba Mei also likes him, so he isn’t someone who took something from others then? It’s just a theory though…

    Thanks for the chapter🥰🥰

  15. I wonder if this has smthg to do with the file Xie An found that had the 1970 date on it. Either way he defo stealing life from those famous ppl he helps