Master Grim Reaper Makes His Debut in Center PositionCh21 - A-rank, Congrats


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Translator's Note

being useless/following along just for the sake of it

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  1. Haiiz, I dont think my imagination is rich enough, and i dont watch dancing videos either so i cant imagine it at all, sigh~~

    Thanks for the chapter!❤

  2. Thank you for translating! Happy Halloween <3

  3. Whoa! I expected it, but I thought that our perfect grim reaper would have to struggle a little more first. But congratulations to Lu Xu. He worked hard. And good luck to him for the rest of the conversation. I quite like the F4 ghosts. I hope they don’t cross over too soon. Thank you for the update!

  4. Put Lu Xu and Wu Jin (from Surprise!) on stage together 🤣. Lu Xu would end up having to work overtime

  5. I feel both happy and sad for F4 ghost. They were clearly talented but despite all of these, no one can see how great their performance (save for MC and ML).

  6. I’m a little bit disappointed with how this turned out. Maybe if the author gave some sort of explanation to how Lu Xu learned dancing in three days when his supposedly a newbie? Don’t really like when characters are super OP at something they’re unfamiliar with, it makes them less realistic/ relatable. I prefer when when the MC have weaknesses and strong points to them. Btw, the way the author displays characters who are against the MC or dislike him a bit effy to me. like I don’t expect this novel to be good in every way possible and in the end of the day this just my opinion and you have the freedom to have your own thoughts