Master Grim Reaper Makes His Debut in Center PositionCh19 - You Guys Heard That Just Now, Right?


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Translator's Note

chinese ppl believe in yin energy (female, dark, associated with death, the moon) vs. yang energy (male, light, associated with life, the sun)

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  1. ML says “ignorance is bliss” but… You are the ignorant one

    Thank you for the chapter!!! ❤️❤️

  2. Tianyu: you guys heard that just now, right? Could it be..

    Master grim reaper: yes, you guess right. It really is ghosts nods

    All: 😱😱😱

  3. They interrupted the ghost F4’s practice! How will they debut if they can’t practice? >.<

    I wonder how long our Grim Reaper will lead poor Ji Xiunian around? Well, I guess he has to have more of a relationship with him before he suddenly says he can see and get rid of ghosts…

    Thanks for the chapter <3

  4. I hope the Ghost world have their own entertainment shows too so that the Ghosts’ will not go to waste.

    Thank you for the update!

  5. Sigh, I really want Lu Xu to be gong. He fits the role so well plus Ji Xiunian could make such cute shou… but I’m not opposed to them being neither! 😌💕