Master Grim Reaper Makes His Debut in Center PositionCh18 - Pretend to Not Notice from the Start


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  1. Ahhh, I really love the F4 <3333 And lol seems like JXN really can’t stay without doing anything

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  2. JXN has no idea of what’s happening lol, poor guy

    Thank you for the chapter!!! ❤️❤️

    • I guess this could be a thing that was a little lost in translation because god in Chinese is 神 while grim reaper is 死神, which literally translates to “death god.” So I guess you could say Lu Xu is a god – grim reaper is just a more popular term we’ve decided to use for the translation instead.

  3. I feel bad for JXN ;( he always has something following him and he can’t even be sure what’s real and what isn’t.

    Hope our god Lu Xu will help him out soon.

    Thanks for the chapter <3

  4. I love this story so much! Can’t wait to see how their relationship developes (´,,•ω•,,)♡

    Thank you for the chapter

  5. Ji Xiunian deserves his reputation as film emperor. I definitely wouldn’t be able to ignore 4 ghosts trying to get my attention. And Lu Xu! As if training for debut wasn’t enough, he’s got to take on ghostly orders too! I think my favorite thing is how Lu Xu never lies, but people still get the wrong idea anyway. Thanks for the update!

  6. JXN is me when my classmates keep spamming the chat