PUBG Online Romance of the CenturyCh97 - Not single.


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Translator's Note

specifically, older male cousin from his dad’s side

Translator's Note

literally an empty oil bottle/also can mean the child from a previous marriage, but basically, a burden

Translator's Note

Yanyan uses “he”, but he/she sounds the same in Chinese, so I’m using they

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  1. he finally said it ~(≧▽≦)/~ can’t wait for the yanyan to drop boss yi’s name as his bf

    Thank you for the chapter ^_________^

  2. WAH….Yan Yan being so caring and making people not call him husband! SO Cute!

    Thank You for the Chapter!!!

  3. I mean I bet some of the fans already know who it is just from not being completely ignorant.

    Thank you for translating!!!💕💋❤🥰💕

  4. Yi Ran is too cute lets see if boss Yi will make an appearance or not! Excited!!

    Thank u for the chapter!!!!

  5. Yi Ran, wingman again for his Ge 😁 Now everyone knows Yanyan’s taken. Thanks for the chapter 💕

  6. if his fans cant even figure out who he’s going out with, like… how long have you been in yanyan’s channel honestly.

    thank you for the chapter~~

  7. the domestic feels in this one is soooo soft!!

    yanyan dropped a big bomb todayyyy…

    yanyan’s daddy is gonna get exposed 😀

    thank you for the chapter💕

  8. lol Don’t call him husband or his husband will disapprove. I don’t want to publicize it though. Just say he’s taken and be done with it. Too many people approach boss yi for ‘favors’. Don’t need them harassing yanyan to get to yi chen.

  9. Hurray, Yi Ran’s alive! 😂 This character has a unique ability to turn up in the wrong place at the wrong time, but he always survives and even benefits from it.

    Thank you for the chapter 💕

  10. Being in his husband house and having such a good relationship with Boss 1… Who Will connect the dots?

    Thanks for the chapter!

  11. Yi ran gets on my goddamn nerves 😂 he never even asked before he just gives out information that’s not his and that’s just my whole problem with him he just says whatever he wants out loud and it’s annoying as f*** I do not like him like I really wonder if he has a brain or not is he just going to say that the MC is gay too sooner or later and he needs to stop saying sister in law to other people he’s not a woman that’s the whole point of being gay guy liking a guy might as well just call him brother-in-law but anyway I guess that’s just The type of character he is drives the plot forward still annoying though 😒
  12. I think the real fans will easily figure it out. Some will be in denial but who cares about their denial 🤷🏽‍♀️ Can’t wait to see how happy Boss Yi will be hearing that 😍