PUBG Online Romance of the CenturyCh94 - Fuck, this boy was so handsome.


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Translator's Note

he means the cleaning auntie, not a real aunt

Translator's Note

89.13 usd

Translator's Note

could also translate to big baby/sweetheart, but treasure sounds more affectionate, I feel like

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  1. Yu Yan to do list:

    Yi Chen birthday cake, checked.

    Yi Chen birthday gift, checked.


    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  2. I’m hoping the next chapter will be spicy.. 😎😎

    Thank you foe the update.. 😊😊

  3. Hahaha Yu Yuan trying to sneakily buy condoms then getting caught right away is hilarious!! Yi Chen will appreciate anything you get for him!

    Thank you for translating!!💖🥰💕💋☺️💕

  4. Who cares if Yanyan’s gift is not a surprise anymore? The anticipation they’ll feel till that moment Will make it so much better 😆

    Thanks for the chapter!

  5. If I saw two handsome men holding hands and acting all lovey and shy with each other, I wouldn’t have unfriendly eyes. I’d be unconscious from blood loss on the floor. 😍

  6. that was the best cashier girl ever hello?? her jaded professional poker face while losing it internally… it really do be like that

  7. Sister at the cashier: ——Fuck, this person with such an high appearance value even does gay relationships only with people with the same level of appearance as his own??

    Me: Sis, every single bl :>>>

  8. Hahaha it would be even funnier if Yi Chen took one look and was like

    1: Too small

    Yan Yan looking at the XL ’daily necessities’: ……………..

    Yan Yan: Let’s break up

  9. Is it just me or the party Mo Nancheng is throwing for Yi Chen???

  10. 😂 I know I’m late to the party but I just wanted to say something. Idk how Chinese condoms are labeled but when I was a cashier, I scanned like a couple of condoms in a row without realizing it because I didn’t know the packaging 😂 if Yanyan went through my lane I probably wouldn’t have noticed that he bought them. It was only after I saw like ten ads about Trojan that I realized it was condoms. Just a little of me being an oblivious dummy.

  11. It’s like what some guy asked as their birthday gift from their virgin girlfriend. But, in this case, it’s the “gf” who took the initiative without their bf asking. 😂

  12. [Yu Yan was just about to pick a line with the smallest number of people when suddenly a thought struck his mind as they were approaching a line.]

    I immediately knew what he wanted to get. Yanyan, you naughty boy! 😂🤭

    I burst out laughing too when he started acting like a thief. 😂