PUBG Online Romance of the CenturyCh91 - Wiped a bit


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Translator's Note


Translator's Note

Japanese for so good/most high, yanyan is a true otaku weeb hahaha

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  1. won’t Boss 1 be way more jealous after hearing that his little lover really like this male voice and is chasing after all the works of this voice actor? Yi Chen being jealous of an animation is so funny XD. Even when being an overbearing CEO he is a cute overbearing CEO

  2. hi juu, not to rush or push or anything, i was just wondering since pubg almost finish, would you also translate yi ran’s story in the future? hehe.

    thank you for the chapter btw! quoting yu yan, this chapter is sugoiiiii ~

      • omg im so sorry. the author has another story called My Nemesis Gone Bankrupt with JI RAN as the main character and my stupid brain read it as YI RAN and automatically thought its Yiran’s story in the same universe as PUBG. omg im so embarassed 😂

        • Ahahaha that’s fine no worries! I think another translator has already started translating that one? If you’re interested in any of my future projects though, I have You Use a Gun, I Use a Bow here, and I just started translating Fanservice Paradox over on a different site as well!

  3. Haha both of them can be so oblivious at times lol. All these little misunderstandings are so cute!

    Thank you for translating!!❤💕😍💖❤

  4. and just like Yu yan’s kink for voice is revealed. Imagine Yi Chen using his voice to make Yu Yan weak in his knees. Ahhhhh I can’t wait for itttt🙈 Thank you for the updatee <33

  5. It’s so Yi Chen to misunderstand that kind of thing… Yu Yan is pure, you know, boss?

    Thanks for the chapter!

  6. It’s hot. hot hot! 🔥 🔥 🔥 Also, while Yi Chen was forceful, I think this kind of nonverbal consent is fine. I mean a bit of a misunderstanding but a nice one 😉

  7. From sweetly trying to arrange their schedules to erm that ‘misunderstanding’ 😊 🤭 Thanks for the chapter 💕