PUBG Online Romance of the CenturyCh89 - You want to add his WeChat?


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Translator's Note

literally to fry fish/newbies

Translator's Note

he’s being sarcastic

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  1. Wintery is cute, but like you said, with a whole Boss Yi there, pursuing Yanyan? An impossible task!

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  2. Lol just say “back off, he’s mine!”, boss Yi 🤣

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  3. Wintery you’re too late! Boss Yi being all like a Boss 😆 Thanks for the chapter 💕

  4. Maybe wintery isn’t pursuing Yanyan that way. He seems to have some skill at the game maybe he’s trying to form a team with him? Boss Yi what do you take Yanyan for. He didn’t just talk to you because you’re the top donor.. he clearly just wanted to hear your voice :3

    • In games, you usually add someone as friends then after a certain familiarity comes from playing together, you can get an online ID.

      Most streamers I know only add their friends and other streamers to their Discord/Twitch friends.

      None of them would give a fan their number (which I think a WeChat is quite akin to)

  5. Wintery’s behaviour is kinda cringeworthy, imo. On the other hand, it’s better to do your share of stupid things while you’re young – feels less painful this way 😂

    Thank you for the translation 💕

  6. WHO IS THIS WINTERY BOY?!? Will he be a recurring character?!?

    …also when will Jing Huan from GHFOD make a cameo appearance?!? Or has he already but I just didn’t realize it?!? I have so many questionssssss

    Thanks for the chapter!!!!

  7. That fan is pretty cute, but it’s kind of cringe. Girls usually do this and it’s cringe, so it’s the same with boys. Anchors need to have a sense of privacy as well and they have the choice to give out their personal number or not. Though, Yu Yan can carry him around as well, since he did spend money on him.

  8. Originally, I thought that the fan could possibly be Huanhuan but they saw the fan was too hardcore and Huanhuan is too noob to reach final circle so I scrapped the idea 😂😂

  9. Damned rich people! QAQ this pauper envies… also what is Wintery expecting when Yi Chen is literally there? lol well I guess it’s hard to end up in the same game

  10. Wintery needs to take a hint. The second-hand embarrassment is real.

    But domineering Boss Yi tho~ 🤭 Come, come, suitors. Give Yi Chen an excuse to show off his status and claim. (again, Yanyan you’re NOT the one who should be worried here 😭) Love that the barrage was mostly on Boss’ side. If we don’t have loyalty (and Family Dom Toretto voice), what do we have??