PUBG Online Romance of the CenturyCh88 - Were they playing the same game?


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Translator's Note

honorable you

Translator's Note

14,097 usd

Translator's Note

big name fan, the one who wrote all the fic before

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  1. OMGGGG THEY ARE SO CUTEEEEE!!! And ikkkk, that “Ah.” at the end of the convo w/ the proprietress was so satisfying!

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  2. Aww, Yanyan and Boss Yi in the livestream together. Plenty of material for FMV’s 😍 Thanks for the chapter 💕

  3. More dog food.. 😆😆😆

    Also yanyan I don’t think anything you do will be undesirable to boss yi.. You got him wrap on your little finger.. 😉😉

  4. boss yi was so confused HAHAHA little yanyan play the game really well! only ancestors can keep up with his game [blowing nose]

    And thank you for the this chapter! [heart]

  5. This breakfast shop aunty surely is nosy… It’s OK to be a good helpful neighbour, but trying to manage other people’s affairs as if they’re your own is not OK. But never mind, I think Yi Chen’s already making plans how to lure Yanyan to live in Jincheng 😋

    Thank you for the chapter! 💕

  6. Me and Yi Chen’s expression is so insync rn HAHAHAHA tried playing on my pc and I gotta say that sht is hard asf man haha how the hell can YanYan even do that. So godly owo

    Thanks for the chapter!

  7. Boss Yi trying not to move too fast and stopped himself from asking Yanyan to move out of Manyang but little does he know Yanyan actually needs to move anyway so it would be the perfect time to ask. Also… boss Yi must last.. long.. ☺

  8. I keep pictures Yi Chen’s head peeking out of the corner of the screen and I can’t stop laughing 😂

    Thanks for the chapter!!!

  9. Yu Yan live up to his voice-con name—- LOOOOOL

    Why did Boss Yi took so long lololol

    They’re so cute!! Boss Yi is really cute in this chapter. Why can’t bosses have the right to support their favorite anchor? I do it without any backdoor dealing🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

    Boss Yi being confused with how Yanyan played the game and the audience describe it 🤣🤣🤣

    Thank you for the chapter!

  10. If they were going to last so much, then Yan Yan could have done it at the same time in the bedroom.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  11. The “Ah” from shopkeeper is accompanied by a thunder bolt. Lol.

    Yi Chen’s reaction is so funny.Thanks for the chapter

  12. Thanks for this chapter. Damn! Can’t wait for the next. This is just too cute and sweet!!!

  13. I’m loving these chapters so much. Also, Yi Chen needs to do his research fast, because his Yan Yan is more than ready to go. He also needs to figure out there’s more than just penetration… Lol

  14. My thoughts is exactly the same as Yi Chen whenever I watch my bro and sis play online games. They’ll suddenly shout “am gonna die” but then were still running. Or shout “enemy!! enemy!!” But I don’t see anyone. Fudge. I’ll never understand these games 😝

  15. Yi Chen is me but I’m the one playing PUBG. Haha. I downloaded PUBG mobile last night, but holy shit, just like Boss Yi, I don’t know how to parachute! 🤣 Thank god there’s YouTube to teach me, but playing the game is really hard; plus I already have no sense of direction irl, even in game I still have no sense of direction. Sigh. Yanyan is really awesome.

  16. I feel a bit sorry for the noodle shop auntie ^^, if I hadn’t read BL before I probably also wouldn’t have been able to pick up the hints…

  17. [Boss’s inner OS: WTF, he’s done looting? Holy shit, where are the enemies?? Holy crap, how are they all dead???]

    lmao is this commenter reading his mind 😭

  18. It’s hot and it’s hilarious.

    😩 Boss Yi one of the most unserious serious people. The fan behaviour is also v cute.

  19. Not to mention how rude it was to insist on going first when he knows how long it takes him to finish. 😛

    Something I don’t get is why the ML’s in C-Novels are always incapable of finishing quickly. Like, stamina is great, and when there’s time, naturally you want it to last as long as possible; but when you’ve only got like 20-30 minutes before you have to go somewhere, you need to either hold off or hurry up to avoid being late. Or if you want to sneakily engage in a bit of semi-public intimate fun; taking too long is just asking to get caught (and end up arrested for public indecency). It really makes me want to ask – do quickies not exist in China?

    (I’m not entirely joking there – I sincerely, genuinely want to know if the concept of a quickie is something the general Chinese public isn’t aware of. Because whether the novel is danmei or heterosexual, it always seems like the idea has really never occurred to any of the authors, or that they’ve never thought of the benefits.)

  20. The bathroom scene was hilariously awkward 🤣 They should have just helped each other out. Also, Boss Yi… you’re being seen sir 😂