PUBG Online Romance of the CenturyCh21 - And then you were still planning on withdrawing it?


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Translator's Note

Divi: Boosting just means that you help to carry someone up in rank in a competitive game (player vs player) quickly. (Often, the player doesn’t deserve it)

So in a tier system where ranks were
Bronze > Silver > Gold > Platinum > Diamond cTNEOp

Yu Yan, a diamond player, would play with his friend who was a silver player, and they get matched into an average of gold rank players. So when Yu Yan is playing against lower tier people and can easily win to help boost his friend’s rank.

Translator's Note

honorable you

Translator's Note

Divi: Video-on-demand, in terms of streaming sense, these are automatically recorded videos of the livestream for viewers to watch in case they miss the stream.

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  1. Lol I think Yi Ran will wait for a long time to be added on wechat by Yanyan 🤣

    Thanks for the chapter ❤

  2. Awwww voice message for voice cons!

    The typing and delete sequence was so cute. Boss was even looking at the screen the whole time <3

    Thank you for the chapter!

  3. LMAO Boss Yi saw the whole thing 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    Well he just wanted to talk to you…and hear your voice

    I think Boss Yi just want to disturb his cousin lol

    Thank you for the chapter 💕

  4. Before Chinese novels, I actually didn’t know voice messages were a thing…

  5. one trying hard to type and the other waiting patiently for him hehe…. so cute ugh I’m rolling around in all this sugar

    Thanks for your hard work in bringing us this chapter~!!!

  6. Why do I feel this Li Hang character is somehow mixed with that cheating software people??

    YY being shy is cute.Thanks for the chapter.

  7. He really woke poor Yi Ran up in the middle of the night 😂 Also, to that one fiend in the middle school group chat, that was rude 😒🙄