PUBG Online Romance of the CenturyCh19 - Where are we jumping, little anchor?


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Translator's Note

Divi: Remember, putting away the gun makes you run faster. Looks like he wanted to dash

Translator's Note

Divi: Lit. Can I charter a car.
Basically asking if they can get a paid ride to win the game.

Translator's Note

Divi: Boss Yi (1) already has the mod vest, so when he talks it should beside him, unless he hides it of course (unsure of the function in Chinese Streams, but you can’t do that on NA platforms).

Thus it should be easy to determine this is just another “1”

Translator's Note

big players are called buses, taking smaller players along

Translator's Note

probably an abbreviated version of ni ran gege= Your Ran Gege

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  1. Yanyan would see that eye-searing character again~

    I really like how Boss Yi just stopped when he heard Yanyan~ fufufu~

    Thanks for the chapter~ ( ^ ♡ ^ )/

  2. Ahhhhhhh!!!! He’s back!!!! Love how he was like “I don’t have time” and then he heard YanYan’s voice (“I’ll make the time”)


    Thank you for the chapter!

  3. Haha Yi Chen, are you trying to make your little anchor fall in love again~

    Thank you for the chapter!

  4. “Where are we jumping, little anchor?” – aaaaaand so the flirting begins! 😍

    P.S. Can Yi Ran’s sloppiness be a protective response to those old men’s attempts to pitch him against Boss Yi?

    Thank you for the chapter! ❤

  5. Why am I feeling that Boss Yi is flirting with Yanyan when he called him little anchor? >///<

    Thank you guys!!

  6. Lmaoo Boss Yi: Not playing. Have meeting

    Also Boss Yi after hearing Yanyan’s voice: Where are we jumping, little anchor——

    So Yi Ran’s now a cupid XD

    Thank you for the chapter💕

  7. I like Yiran he sounds fun! Hopefully they aren’t doing the thing where they both fight to takeover the company 😀

    • I noticed that too. Yi Ran is much smarter than he lets on. He deliberately create troubles, making himself look bad in order to keep hungry relatives from using him. But he never created serious problems because he’s smart enough to know where the line is. His father must have been pressuring him nonstop to compete with Yi Chen. Yi Ran is still in school and his father is already pushing for marriage. That must be a political marriage with benefits. When Yi Chen told him to come to the company and learn the ropes, he didn’t want to because he can’t honestly tell him that he will become a puppet competition if he did.