PUBG Online Romance of the CenturyCh110 - Extra CP (Zuo Zhen x Lu Xiuhe)-Permit-pass.


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Translator's Note

1413 usd

Translator's Note

7.06 usd

Translator's Note

2846 usd

Translator's Note

literally rainbow farts

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  1. He couldn’t go. He had already made plans with Xiao Yan. What’s more, he didn’t know what the situation there was like. If he just rashly went over to his door in this manner, wouldn’t that be troublesome for him? Besides, his relationship with Zuo Zhen wasn’t at that level at all. 20 minutes later, Lu Xiuhe calmly rang the doorbell of room 2101.

    Haih these two are so cute, can’t wait to see them finally together and thank you for the chapter~

  2. Gah – these two!

    Who would have thought a pen would be a token of love?! 😆Thanks for the chapter 💕

  3. It’s obvious the boy is sick! How can Lu Xiuhe believe everything he reads?! Aish. Oh well, he visited him, at least. that’s all that matters.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. why do i always feel the secondhand embarrassment in these extra chapters? 😅😅 Is it because the other pair is a star? Haha. 😂😂 It seems that LXH has a talent for this. He is natural. 🤣😂

  5. “Besides, his relationship with Zuo Zhen wasn’t at that level at all.


    p style=”height: 1px; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; display: inline-block;”>

    20 minutes later, Lu Xiuhe calmly rang the doorbell of room 2101.”