PUBG Online Romance of the CenturyCh107 - Extra CP (Zuo Zhen x Lu Xiuhe)-I’ll fucking murder him


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Translator's Note

apparently a meme from Big Bang Theory with Sheldon calling someone that instead of son of a bitch

Translator's Note

居居-house, apparently sounds like pig in Cantonese

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  1. LXH, you really fooling yourself with that “straight as a steel man excuse” when you’re already bone deep into the pit. But love that he’s registering a new acc just to defend his ZZ 💀💀

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  2. Ah Zhen Zhen, I’m sorry for ever thinking that you were a bad guy who kept chasing Lu Xiuhe even when you knew he didn’t want you 🙏😣

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  3. They met through gaming so maybe zhenzhen was using a voice changer to hide his star identity but then fell into a relationship before he could explain.. when we only heard about them from yanyan’s POV it seemed like zhenzhen did all the pursuing but now we know lxh provoked him too with the fan account stuff.

  4. Zhenzhen is going through a lot and it’s great that LXH is still fighting the antis despite being hugely in denial.

    It’s gonna be interesting to see how this ship progresses 😁

    Thanks for the chapter 💕

  5. Yes, I’m having a lot of fun with this CP! Thanks for the chapter. I wonder what the relationship between Zhenzhen and his group members is actually like. It can’t be that bad in reality, right?

  6. After denial comes acceptance, that will be my moment to enjoy … I am looking forward to it (ღˇᴗˇ)。o♡

    Thanks for the chapter! ^^)❤

  7. Zuo Zhen’s ‘Who told you to not like men?’ left me speechless 🤣 His reasoning is flawless.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  8. “zuo zhen’s #1 simp, your great lord lu” x’D

    thanks for the chapter!

  9. I know in Chinese it all sounds the same but I’m really impressed with LXU for so quickly being able to switch pronouns and not misgender ZZ even in his head… that’s a good man you got there, ZZ!


    Thank you for the chapter! 🌺❤