Please, Play as my Wife!Ch19 - Wedding Dresses


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  1. Wow we found out her backstory , but I still don’t like her 😒. I don’t think that right of her to control deans life like that 🙃

  2. shitty past isn’t an excuse to be a shitty person today.

    but it does take A LOT of therapy before most folks can get to that.

  3. Honestly in my opinion this is all Dean’s fault. There was a clear choice he could make in the beginning to cut the relationship off and be independent. He didn’t he lied and now the lie is spiraling and he is bringing up all his boyfriend’s triggers. I just don’t see this ending well. He claims he can’t talk to her because she always hangs up but I see no proof of him ever even trying. His parents literally pay for everything. I have never seen him try to get a job to be independent and now he relies on Caden to feed and take care of him. He sounds like a giant baby.

    • One, his mother would not allow him to cut their relationship. Even when he moved and barely comes home, his mother tries to keep the relationship going. And he has shown him calling her back before and her not answering. Two, his parents do not pay for everything. He has his own funds. He paid for his flat and pays for everything else (if his parents bought the house, he would be living close by in a vast house) Caden doesn’t even have a job because Dean takes care of all the funds. (Caden also has his own money saved up). His parents are paying for the wedding. I don’t know where you got that his parents pay for everything, but that is not true.

      Three, Dean cannot cook so Caden started to do it and got used to it. Caden does not mind taking care of Dean, he may complain, but it is fake because he likes it. And Dean does not have to rely on Caden for food, he can go buy himself some food. He just prefers Caden’s over everything else. Yeah, it is most of Dean’s fault that all this started and he could have told the truth. But his mom was not going to let it go. What she wants, she will get. Imagine have a controlling, overbearing mom and trying to leave. It is barely possible. It is like how it is hard for a person living an abusive relationship. I should know, I experienced it (and even now, I still want to let that person in my life cause they broke me down in more ways than one, but I try to fight it even if I haven’t completely cut that person out).

      • I’m sorry you have had that experience this is just my opinion from reading this. You stated Dean has his own money but where does that come from? He doesn’t have a job the money he saved up is more than likely money he has acquired from him, family. I truly understand his mom is difficult. I have had similar experiences with family members. Maybe it’s hard for me to sympathize because I am a decisive person I would rather be homeless than have to deal with a person that difficult. I can see where he tried to call her or where he tried to bring the topic up and she hung up but that’s it. He could have chosen not to put his boyfriend in that position and just not have shown up to plan any type of wedding. I just kinda feel like if he wants to change his relationship with his mom then it’s best for him to not involve other people. I just have this feeling that he’s going to keep this up and end up hurting the one person he doesn’t want to hurt. I get that she said she would arrange a marriage with some girl for him or whatever but she can’t force him to get married. He could have just stopped it from the first conversation but now everything is spiraling. Not only that but it doesn’t seem like he’s trying to separate himself from his family and gain independence financially and otherwise. That would be the first step to get himself out of that kind of situation.
        • Everyone is different. Not everyone makes the same decisions. Some people make smart ones, some make okay ones, and others dumb ones.

          Dean would not separate from his family because even if his mom is difficult, his father is not. He loves his father. And if he leaves completely, then he lose his father.

          His mother will make anything happen, that is who she is and that is what she learned from childhood. “If something does not go your way, make it happen no matter the cost because you are the boss.” The mother’s adoptive mother taught her that. Dean is an adult and can say no, but his mother will make it happen no matter what, even forcing him until Dean disappears and isolate himself to where no one can find him. But he does not want to lose his father. His father has a weak personality towards the mother because of her manipulation and his love for her, so he follows through with her until the end. He tries for his son, that is why he is willing to give everything to him, but the mother makes it a bit hard.

          You have to understand, not everyone can make your choice. I had a friend with an abusive mother who took her money and everything from her. We told her to leave her mother and be on her own even though she was only a teen at the time, but she didn’t because she still loved her mother and her mother already tore her down. She choose to stay and ended up dropping out of school.

          Then I had another friend who actually left their abusive family and lived with another friend.

          See how different their choices are; it is because everyone’s mind is different. That is why you cannot sympathize with Dean’s choice.

          I’m not saying he is not wrong, because he is. But that is human nature. We don’t think clearly in some situations.

          And it is not talked about, but his father is a business man. During Dean’s teen years, he got him into stocks and investing. That is where his money comes from. I didn’t add it in because I do not feel like it is needed for the story. His father may have helped him in obtaining money, but it is Dean’s money.

          (Also, it is fine. I’m used to people shitting on me. I dealt with abusive relationships, I dealt with bullying, and I dealt with other things I don’t want to talk about. I’m doing fine. I honestly started cutting off people and put myself in isolation. I turned into an asshole who speaks my mind and don’t let anyone mess with me. I’m still weak on some things, but I am doing better. Thanks.)

          • I am so slow I did not realize you were the writer I was like what are you talking about he has his own money… Ok, your prior comment makes more sense. I like Dean and I love his relationship with Caden. His mom just sucks and he hasn’t found out a way to stand up to her yet and I just hope that doesn’t put Caden in an awkward situation. I think a lot of times we make acceptions for the people that we love and it ends up putting us in compromising positions. From what I can see so far having Caden dress up as a female is a trigger for him and it doesn’t look like that’s going to stop anytime soon. I really still can’t stand his mom I am trying to emphasize with her because she had such rough childhood but man… its just so hard.
  4. Deans mother definitely needs therapy, but shes not the only one, his dad needs therapy too, i mean, he does not seems to love his son enough, so he sees his mom being overbearing with him since he was a kid and doesnt try to help at all? Of course nobory is perfect, but he feels like he doesnt even exist in deans life lol, anyways, hope dean and caden fights this woman seriously, she needs to learn some respect 😑

  5. Her past is sad but she is still a shitty person either way and I’m not changing my mind. No excuses to treat your family like that.

    Thank you for the chapter 🥰

  6. Wow! And she has the gall to look down on others with her background!? 🤦🏻‍♀️ Talk about trying to overcompensate! I’m surprised Mr. Levy indulges her to this extent. My love probably would have dried up if I had a partner like that…