The Days I Clear Escape Games Pretending to be an NPCCh98 - Cape of Desolation (1)


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Translator's Note

学宫: xué gōng – study palace/temple

Translator's Note

This name was first mentioned in chapter 67

Translator's Note

OG term: 刷出 – a method to gain experience, props, and levels through repeating specific actions. Like farming for artefacts in Genshin.

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  1. …which behind did this when A Fei just decided that a high-end instance is too difficult for him at the moment??? …It wouldn’t be Saman, right? Nah, Saman’s busy doubting his IQ and conversation skills that dropped due to the in-love-debuff…

    Also, kitty! <3

    Thank you for this chapter!

  2. So when he summons the cat does it come with its bucket or will he have to find a new bucket to carry it around in each time he summons it?

  3. I think the game is messing with him 😂😂😂

    I live how the ML’s name just became sandman 😆

  4. The differences between their guiding elves are kinda funny. And who is trying to kill him off now? :’D

    Yay~ for cat “survival” :3

    Thx for the ch ٩(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )و

  5. The cat made it out! RIP Ren Yifei’s attempt to be reasonable—I wonder if this will make him actually team up with Saman. Also it’s cute that the guide elf saw him experiencing an Actual Emotion and let him feel it fully before moving on. It’s the little things

    Thank you so much for translating! <3

  6. My guess is it’s maybe the bob haircut girl, the company drone manipulative dude or that little brat girl. Whatever’s backing them? Or it could just be the system giving “preferential” treatment to A Fei~ 😂