Peerless Immortal Surrounded by Demonic DisciplesCh55 - I Want to Be on Top


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  1. Jiang Yinghe’s reaction to kisses are different now that his passion root is back. Should we expect their interaction will be hotter? ( • ʖ̫ • )

    Thank you for the chapter!!

  2. jyh with passion roots looks like an honest teenager. I hope the three of them take care of him, I’m afraid he will hurt huhu

  3. *“Shizun doesn’t have to choose anymore. I will always be a part of the only choice.” His bright red stare fixed on the other man. *

    Now tell me, why is Huanhan so adorable. squeal

  4. I hope author continues to give Jun’er some screen time. I feel like he’s been so left out in comparison with Huanhan and Chang Ye. I may still like Huanhan the very most but I haven’t forgotten Qin Jun, and I hope author doesn’t, either! Even if they are all going to be the same person soon…

    Speaking of, how will they be called when they merge into one? I am curious now (•́દ•̀)