Peerless Immortal Surrounded by Demonic DisciplesCh46 - Losing His Mind Again


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  1. QAQ

    It hurts too much. The first half of the chapter feels too tragic. QAQ Green tea B Chang Ye was actually my bias (he’s floof) but my heart continues to hurt for Huanhuan. tries to hold on

    At least Qin Jun and Huanhuan are starting to put it together now. Crosses fingers and hopes for the best

    I hope that in the future (which feels so far away) shizun won’t love any one of them less than the other. Provided that he would fall in love~

    Thanks for the update! 💕

    • Finally a chang ye bias. It’s so, rare to see. 😭 I hate it when they find chang ye cuteness gross. I am sorry but I don’t. He acts naturally when he is not in front of shizun. And why he can’t cute Afterall not everyone like to be huanhan (he is big bro) and. Change ye is youngest


    tbh I thought he’d be ecstatic knowing Shizun doesn’t have his passion root because then it doesn’t mean that Shizun doesn’t like him but rather can’t like him…. but then his reaction just pointed out his insecurities and inferiority complex again 🙁 poor baby

  3. Everything is slowly coming together…. (i still don’t get it tho lol) And yassss, Huanhan supremacy!! Despite all his twistedness, I love him so so much! But Qin Jun and Chang Ye are really good too. I have come to like how scheming and green tea Chang Ye is lol.

    Anyw, excited for him to be exposed. It’s been long overdue!! This is gonna be good! (Or angsty…)

    Also, please….. please let them all be the same person or smthn…. I mean, this is all too coincidental. JUST LET THEM BE ONE TTATT

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  4. Qin Jun and Huanhuan’s discussion really made me think… Their so-called fate and/or third party is most likely the system, or whatever’s behind the system. And I think Qj, Hh and Cy might actually be a single entity split into three.

  5. Thank you for the update. 🙏🌹💜🌈Poor Shizun. 🤕🤭😳

  6. Exciting😍my poor huanhan🥺he’s full of insecurity😢thank u for the chapter❤️

  7. Tbh I was pretty meh about Qin Jun lol, but I’m so proud of him for putting the pieces together ♥️ He also seems to be the most grounded now? First I thought Li Huanhan is the most mature but he went downhill from the kidnapping arc 🙁

    Chang Ye getting a taste of his own medicine? YES BRING IT ON. I don’t really like his cunning pretentious pretending to be innocent/cute attitude (is the right term “green tea btch”? lol). QJ and LHH are also a chaotic mess but at least they’re honest.

    At this point, either QJ or LHH as endgame is fine with me (tho I already spoiled myself with the endgame lol).

    Thanks for the chapter! ♥️

  8. Oh man coming back to binge a couples weeks worth of chapters to this tension.. Ah I’m excited and dreading how things will end up! I feel bad for all of them but at the same time… PLOT

    Thanks for translating!!

  9. Honestly I don’t like Chang Ye because it feels like he’s always deceiving his shizun and treating his feelings as a master like a toy. Li Huanhuan was in the wrong for imprisoning him, but I feel like he respects his shizun the most. (when he’s not being overly obsessive and tying him up)

  10. Um so does shizun still have on that celibacy belt that LH placed on him🤔

  11. “I have.” Li Huanhan stared at Jiang Yinghe alone, “If Shizun is willing to take a chance, I won’t stop him. I would even go with him. But if Shizun refrains because he values the world, I would be fine with it because I’m included in that group.”

    Wow, this breaks my heart. 😔 Poor Li-er has to give up, and be happy even when its just an egalitarian love.

  12. I am telling since the beginning Qin zun and huanhan is so similar and they are mature and quiet obedient and chang ye oh my baby he is my bias he is so mischievous I can’t control my laugh Evertime he appears (he is cute too) . I hope in the end no one is heartbroken. All of them deserve to be loved.